
The Liberation Of Astapor

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 15 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Astapor, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

Kraznys mo Nakloz lays dead at my feet, burned by Dragon Fire. Dany's plan to deceive them worked brilliantly. She's wielding the whip of the Good Maester, which means she has control over the army of Unsullied.

Rhaenys lands beside me with a heavy thud.

"Don't worry, Rhaenys. Everything is about to change."

My hand rests upon the side of her long jaw. The focus of everyone here lands on Dany as she rides Raevor. While she's on top of the growing dragon, The Unsullied are waiting for their orders.

Dany looks at the soldiers with concern. Genuine care. Neither of us likes slavery. We find it repulsive. My dragoness has compassion and sympathy for the slaves we're going to free. While I have it, it's not as great as hers.

"Dovaogēdys! Āeksia ossēnātās, menti ossēnātās, qilōni pilos lue vale tolvie ossēnātās, yn riñe dōre ōdrikātās. Urnet luo buzdaro tolvio belma pryjātās!"

She gives the orders to slay every Maester, every soldier, and every man that holds a whip. To harm no children and strike the chains of any slave they see.

As they've been trained to do, The Unsullied obey their orders and begin taking the lives of the people Dany instructed them to. As more Unsullied move toward the inside of Astapor, Ser Mormont slowly approaches me.

Rhaenys jerks her head in his direction and opens her mouth. Ready to blow fire. A simple stroke from my hand calms her down. Ser Mormont looks nervous about making his way toward me. But I wave him over.

"The plan worked splendidly. Your Queen has a keen mind for things like this. If I may ask, Your Grace. Why not make the announcement yourself? Why have Queen Daenerys do it?"

Mormont wouldn't know. I look over to Dany and see her looking back at me. The simple reason is Dany asked me if she could be the one.

I turn my attention toward the ramps leading into Astapor. Instead of using my dragon, sharing this moment with The Unsullied could prove useful. I hold out my right hand, and Fate Breaker appears. I'll be joining The Unsullied.

"Ser Mormont, join Oberyn in command of The Second Sons. I'll be joining the soldiers we've freed."

He takes my refusal to answer his question well and turns on his heel. Leaving toward one of the gates with his sword drawn. Oberyn will make sure no Maesters escape the city. The Second Sons will ensure Yunkai and Meereen don't know about what's happened here.

Rhaenys tries to follow me from behind, but the massive dragon grows frustrated with its own size since it can't fit between buildings. Before I continue, my eyes meet with Rhaenys. She senses my desire for her to stay with Dany. She grumbles and squints her violet orbs.

After a second, she obeys and turns around. I move forward into Astapor. The Unsullied know who I am and know I'm here to help.

Fate Breaker and my Red Fire prove too much for ordinary soldiers to withstand. The combination proves lethal for large groups.

My sword is taking the heads, limbs, and organs away from their owners. Burning my way through packs of soldiers. A group of Unsullied behind me as they make sure my victims are dead. My eyes set on the larger Manses that hold the most powerful of the Good Maesters.

While Kraznys mo Nakloz is dead, there are still plenty of Good Maesters to get rid of. It doesn't take long for me to cut through groups of men. My athletic fighting style relies on spins and flips. No one is able to land a scratch on me.

There is a tornado of blood as more men meet my blade. It's almost happening in slow motion. My heart is slow and calm, my breathing even. All this fighting and blood remind me of The Shadow Lands.

I lose myself in the battle. My mind enters the most basic of modes: kill or be killed. My body moves on instinct and reaction. No thoughts go into my movements. I cut three men into pieces with every dodging flip and spin. I split the skulls of men.

The streets behind me run crimson from the victims of Fate Breaker. The bodies charred from my Red Fire leave a stench that turns the stomach of those not used to it.

Time is lost to me and in my most basic of states. I find myself being shaken awake. I'm standing in a courtyard, covered in blood. Bodies are all around me.


There is a muffled voice coming from the beautiful creature in front of me. The white gold hair and violet eye are like mine.


There is panic and worry on her face, and I find that she's familiar to me. Her cheeks are flush as tears stream down them. Her chin is strained, and her lips are quivering.


Suddenly, I'm hit with the screams of the girl. No longer is the muffledness of the world around me. The constant buzz in my ears.

This is when I realize who's in front of me. My sister, my dragoness, the mother of my daughter. I slowly move my head and get a better look. There isn't a part of this courtyard that isn't burnt or covered in blood.

I turn my head and see Oberyn looking from the side. Ser Mormont is next to him. Raevor, Vaelor, and Rhaegal are looking at Dany and me from where they've decided to land.

Rhaenys shadow is being cast on me from behind. I look over my shoulder. She's watching me. I feel her concern. The building she landed on collapsed around her. She's standing on the rubble.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

Her eyes are pouring tears as she's holding my shoulders. She pulls her hands from me, and they're covered in blood. I look down and see not a part of my body isn't stained crimson.

My eyes leave the ground and look back into Dany's.


A hand that's soft and smooth strikes me fast with a fury I've not felt before.

"Hey, what was that for?"

The soreness of the strike from Dany is setting in, and I rub the spot. As I look at her, there is no amusement in her Valyrian features. Before I can say anything else, I'm wrapped in a hug. You know a girl loves you when she hugs you while you're covered in blood.

~~~(POV: Ser Mormont)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 46 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Manse, Astapor, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

"Never have I seen so much blood..."

Oberyn is sitting next to me as we're resting. We've successfully taken Astapor, and Dany has won over all the slaves. The Unsullied will march behind King Raenon and her as free men. No longer are they slaves, and they've bolstered our army severalfold.

The words that came out of the man's mouth haven't really registered. Right now, Raenon and Daenerys are in a room befitting their status within the Manse we've taken to house ourselves.

"I've seen many great fighters in my life. All of them fight, standing on their feet. How he fought... It wasn't human... Nobody can move like that..."

That's my response to his conversation opener. My eyes look toward the door where Daenerys and Raenon are behind. The dragons are flying above the city. It's almost night and after today. We'll be taking a small break.

After this, Yunkai is next. We've taken everything Astapor has to offer us. All we do now is rebuild our strength and wait for Raenon's orders.

"All great Targaryen Kings have a name they're known by. Aegon had The Conquerer. Jaehaerys had The Conciliator and Old King. What do you think his moniker will be after today? Witnessing Raenon on full display has shown me he has more than just a dragon at his back."

Oberyn and I shouldn't be thinking about these kinds of things. I don't blame him for talking about it. It wasn't something a 15-year-old should be able to do. I wouldn't win against that. Whatever that was, it wasn't Raenon.

~~~(POV: Oberyn Martell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 42 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Manse, Astapor, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

I've left the company of Ser Mormont. The exiled man has seen many things in his life, but I don't know if he'll ever shake that. I know I won't. The streets have run with blood. The blade that Raenon wields cuts through people like paper.

His fire burns his foes with malicious hatred. Some were still screaming. Pouring water from water buckets they found nearby didn't stop the flames. It was like they were fueled by something you can't see with your own eyes.

"Raenon 'Blood Dragon' Targaryen... I don't know what moniker he'll have after today. But this is how I'll see him from now on."

My brother will be happy to hear the news of our success. The whole of Westeros will be paying attention to what happens now. Raenon has gained the greatest claim to The Iron Throne since Robert Baratheon died.

I can already see The Lannisters at my feet. Begging for mercy. Gregor Clegane is the prize I want most. I know if I stick with Raenon, I'll get the one thing I want more than anything.

Revenge. House Martell will have its revenge.

"Children will read tales of what's happened today. Being a part of that cements my place in history. I'll be the man that's been by Raenon's side since his conquests started."

House Martell will grow stronger than ever before after everything is said and done.

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