
Making A Surprise Visit

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Flying above The Mander River, The Reach, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

We've been flying for around two days now. Dany and I talked last night when we were resting. Traveling at night has its benefits, but Alysanne was fussy, and we decided that sleeping through the night would be better for her.

We've reached the conclusion of talking to The Tyrells before continuing toward The Riverlands and The North. While The Tyrells are thinking of marrying Margaery to Joffrey, it's unclear where their true allegiances rest.

The death of Renly Baratheon marked the end of the war between brothers. Stannis now has a formidable army and an impressive navy. The death of Renly Baratheon worked wonderfully for The Lannisters. Sarcasm.


Rhaenys lets out a mighty roar, and Alysanne wiggles a bit in my arms. She's been awake since this morning. She just gets curious when Rhaenys lets out a roar.

The reason Rhaenys is letting out such a sound is the sight of Highgarden in the distance. The mighty Regional Capital of The Reach was built near The Mander River. We've actually gone out of our way to travel down The Mander instead of continuing North.

In simple terms, we turned around before we got too far.

Dany rides closer with Raevor and steadies above Rhaenys left wing so we can talk.

"We'll be in the presence of people who aren't allies. They have a lot to gain if they kill us. While it's unlikely, we should be on high alert. There are other ways to kill people than a dagger in the back. The Tyrells have used such methods in the past."

Dany is worried. Alysanne is in as much danger as us. But this is an important stop.

Highgarden is closing in. Rhaenys senses my desire to land in the large courtyard. Dany is right behind me on Raevor when I land. Vaelor and Rhaegal circle above. Given there isn't room for any more dragons.

Rhaenys already takes up the entire courtyard and many of the buildings she is leaning against. Raevor is on a roof looking down into the courtyard.

I get off Rhaenys, and I look up to Dany. I hold out my hand and bring her down with my Shadow Magic, just like I did at Sunspear. Alysanne is in my arms, and she's calm. She's different than other babes. That much, I know. She's got a lot of me in her.

There are guards looking out from inside the building as Dany stands next to me. Fate Breaker appears in my right hand. The blade's tip sinks into the ground, and I rest my hand on the pommel.

"Raenon of House Targaryen wishes for an audience with House Tyrell!"

All we get back is silence. It's not unexpected. It just makes our stop here that much longer.

"Do not worry! Our dragons won't hurt anyone unless given a reason!"

Dany is the one to speak up this time. I've heard a lot about the women of Highgarden. Of House Tyrell. They are said to be the real power behind the name. I'm willing to bet Dany can have better success talking to them than I can.

After a couple of minutes, a knight of House Tyrell comes out. A messenger, to be sure.

"I'm Ser Elmore of Horn Hill. I'm here to speak on behalf of the Tyrells."

Ser Elmore of Horn Hill. No surname means he doesn't come from the nobility. A knight made from his own martial ability. I commend that.

"Greetings to you, Ser Elmore of Horn Hill. Normally, I'd be the one speaking to the nobles of a house. That's not the case today."

Dany looks at me with a little bit of confusion. Ser Elmore, on the other hand, is on edge. Rhaenys's head is right next to my body. Ready to blow Dragon Fire if I will it.

"Daenerys of House Targaryen will be speaking to any Lady of House Tyrell. We'll ensure no Dragon Fire is had today."

Unless provoked.

The Ser hears the tone in my voice, effectively ending the conversation with it. He heads back inside, and after about 20 minutes, an elderly woman makes her way out. Along with a middle-aged man and another younger woman.

Olenna Tyrell herself is coming to speak with us. Along with her son Mace Tyrell and granddaughter Margaery Tyrell.

Some servants give us chairs, and I sit down with Dany. Alysanne is in my arms. Not making a sound. Olenna looks at Dany and soon finds herself looking at me.

"If someone would've told me that House Targaryen would rise again after The Rebellion, I would've called them a fool. Now it's me who's the fool."

I've heard story's about Olenna. Not all of them are good. She makes fools out of men and humbles people in great power. Her wordplay is suberb.

She's waiting for a response, and Dany looks at me. I nod my head with a smile, and she turns back to the Tyrells across from us.

"I'll cut straight to the point, Lady Olenna. We're not here to harm Highgarden or House Tyrell. Only seek answers to whom you're aligned with in this war. Now that Stannis is empowered, and The North and Riverlands beating back their enemies, it's only a matter of time."

Dany does an excellent job of getting to the point. The point is that The Lannisters will need a strong alliance soon. Now that Renly is dead, they'll seek out a marriage alliance with Margaery Tyrell.

"Why aren't you speaking, Raenon."

It's something similar to what I heard from Oberyn. Olenna isn't asking a question but making a statement. She's wanting to know what I'm all about.

"Worried I'm like my father?"

Dany and I know who our father is and where we come from. It's natural people have their doubts. Olenna gives a half smile.

"Are you?"

This time it's a question. I'll answer it the same way I answer everything else.

"I'll let my actions in the coming wars speak for themselves, Lady Olenna. Now, my sister-wife asked you a question."

I make sure to emphasize I have no shame in my relationship with Dany. We are Targaryens. We're above those that believe we should follow laws that say otherwise.

While we've never been officially married, who will dispute us? I'd handle it like a Targaryen. With Dragon Fire.

"Ah, yes. The Targaryens and their incest. But never mind that. You were wanting to know who we'll align with when you make your way to Westeros with your armies."

She's speaking as if I already have said armies. Perhaps she's trying to play on some sort of inflated sense of self I may have. But I won't speak. I'm not baited by anyone or anything. Dany is handling this one. All I do is hold Alysanne close.

"Allies or enemies when Raenon presses his claim to The Iron Throne."

Dany speaks the same way to Lady Olenna. Making a statement instead of a question.

"That depends on what we gain from aligning ourselves with you. From what everyone has been led to believe. Yourself and your brother haven't been married yet."

She's proposing a marriage alliance. I don't know how this will end.

Dany won't like the thought. Let alone the conversation.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Highgarden, The Reach, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

My eyes drift to Lady Margaery as the implication of Olenna's word fall on me. It's true that Raenon and I aren't married in the eyes of any religion. But that doesn't make what we have worth any less than if we were married.

Alysanne II Targaryen has her name. Bastards don't exist in Essos. That's where she was born.

"Would you be open to marrying me?"

This time, it's the Tyrell girl that speaks.

Her infuriating question is directed at Rae. Asking him outright if he'd marry her for an alliance in the coming war we'll have with The Lannisters and Baratheons.

The boldness and brazen position she took when she asked that question festers in me... The thought of Rae with another woman...


Raevor growls loudly from the roof he's perched on.

He's feeling my anger. But I bring it under control. What just happened didn't go unnoticed by the Tyrells.

"Surely you see I have someone I love. Someone that I've had a child with. Daenerys is to be my Queen when I ascend The Iron Throne. However, that doesn't mean everything is off the table with The Tyrells."

My blood runs cold, and my stomach sinks. For the briefest of moments, I fear he'll accept something... Someone... That'll come between us. But what he says next squashes that feeling.

"If House Tyrell supports my claim. Helps me. I'll bring you into my Small Council when the war comes. When we win, I'll cut the taxes House Tyrell pays to the crown by half for an entire generation."

I love the way Rae sounds sure of himself. It's upsetting that the one talking has shifted back to him. But if I were talking, I'd say things I couldn't take back, especially to the Tyrell girl.

"Am I not to your liking?"

My head snaps to Margaery. The anger and disdain are clearly present on my face. This is the first time I've wanted to kill a fellow woman before. She's flirting with Rae right in front of me. He's holding our baby girl, and she's flirting with him.


Raevor lets out a roar, and this time it frightens the Tyrells. They almost get up and run, but Rae holds his hand up in front of me to calm me down.

"I'll give you until my invasion of Westeros to come to a decision with the terms I've given. Forgive me, Lady Margaery. But there is no room in my life for another woman. No matter how beautiful she is."

I really don't like that he's complimented her. But it's the polite thing to do. He stands up with Alysanne, and I do the same. He sends me up to Raevor, and I climb on his back.

"There is no way you're winning a war on a side I'm fighting against. I'm giving you time, Lady Olenna."

That's something our father would've never done.

I can see it on their faces. They see him for what he is. A Dragon.

My eyes drift to Margaery. I see an infatuation. A desire. She wants Rae. He has that about him. To attract those of the opposite gender. I thought it was only me, but seeing it now.

My fears were correct. Many women will prove to be interested in him.

We leave, and our next destination is The Riverlands.

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