
(32) The Cactus Island, Whiskey Peak!

"Brother, did you really have to hit Laboon-chan?" Aoki said as she walked up the steps to the helm.

Looking back I didn't honestly, all I had to do was use Conqueror's haki and Laboon would've moved on his own.

Of course I couldn't tell Aoki this, a frustrated Aoki is something that none of us would want to see; who knows what she'll do with that water ability of hers, ugh thinking about it gives me chills.

As I thought of this, the weather around us started to change and in the distance multiple large cacti popped up.

"Captain, we've arrived at the first Island." Laffite said as he stood next to me, with the Log Poss in hand.

"Why is it so foggy here? Ugh, it's also windy; it's going to be rough sailing here, Captain-san!" Bepo said from the deck, as he squinted his black eyes due to the harsh wind.

"The weather conditions throughout the entire Grand Line is abnormal, heck there are even four climactic types of islands; being Winter Islands, Summer Islands, Spring Islands, and Autumn Islands." Laffite said as he steered the ship.

The fog and the rough wind suddenly stopped, and a dock came into view along with a town.

"Hah! Finally a town! I'm still not used to sleeping at sea, anymore days of that and I would've went permanently sea sick!" Kitt shouted as he transformed into his pelican form and flew to the dock.

"Maybe if you had listened to me and stopped training non stop, you would've been able to handle staying at sea better."

"No, no, no, captain! I won't stop training until I finally am strong enough to beat you, and be able to sedu- *cough* I mean charm my beloved Aoki!"

"Beloved who?! I'm never going to go out with you! Pervy thief!"

Hahaha, I wonder what he did this time. Last time he was just a perv now he's a pervy thief.

"Ugh, Aoki I'm telling you I didn't steal your stick thingy. I'm being framed!" Kitt shouted as he tried to prove his innocence.

"Tell it to the Judge! Pervy thief!" Aoki shouted as she pointed at Laffite.

"Fufufu, my, my, Aoki I'm not a Judge; I'm a former sheriff!"

H-he missed the joke…anyway, we docked the ship and entered the town.

Kuina stayed on the ship as she was too busy refining her swordsmanship, although as she said this she was in her bed half sleep so it was probably a lie.

"Hey! Captain, I'm going to explore this town a bit, I'll come back to the ship when the Log Pose resets and locks onto the next islands magnetism or whatever!" Kitt shouted as he flew away.

"Wait! How the hell are you going to know when to come back!? Hah, this f*cking pelican!." I shouted as the pelican bastard flew away, this kid can really be a handful.

Seriously, it's like I'm babysitting toddlers; well considering the age difference combining my previous life, I'm old enough to be there dads.

Wow…that's crazy to think about, god please wash these thoughts out my head!

"Captain." Laffite suddenly said, bringing me out of my little plethora of thoughts.

"Hmm? What's up?"

"I've estimated that the Log Pose should finish fully recording this island's magnetism in roughly five hours."

Makes sense, the Strawhats Log Pose finished fully recording in less than half a day.

"Yay! That means we can relax a bit here!" Aoki shouted as she stood behind me.

"Captain-ya." Law had been silent this entire time, finally spoke and I could predict what he was about to say.

I looked at him and waited for him to say something.

"We're being followed, there're around ten of them." Law said discreetly.

"There're fifteen to be exact, good estimation though."

Both Bepo and Aoku were both a bit surprised but they relaxed almost instantly, I could assure that no matter who was in this small town they weren't a match for either of them.

Aoki's power had increased majorly since we first left Shimotsuki village.


Devil Fruit : Mizu Mizu No Mi (1st Stage)

Haki : Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation) Busoshoku Haki (Armament)

Strength : Low-Commodore

Combat Style : None

Unique Ability : Water Domain


Aoki could now take on Commodore Pudding Pudding, not saying she'd win or lose but it'd probably be a close fight.

Bepo wasn't particularly strong but he wasn't weak either, his Strength was at the High-Captain level; he probably only ran away from Penguin and Shachi because he was scared of there swords.

"Hey, why don't you guys come out now?"

"Oh, oh, oh, they noticed us. Welcome travelers, to the humble town of Whiskey Peak!" A tan man with black hair said as he smiled.

The man wore a dark red shirt with kanji on it, and a green cap with a melon stem on top with black pants.

That familiar smile, and appearance; I remember now!

"Hmm, Billions member: Mr. Mellow. Although right now your probably only a Millions member aiming for a promotion huh?"

Mr. Mellow and the other Millions members shocked faces was quite a funny scene.

"H-how the hell do you know that?!" Mr. Mellows panicked face relaxed for some reason.

"Hmph, the report we got on you must've been wrong or we've got the wrong person; you have to be from Alabasta to know that!" Mr. Mellow suddenly pulled his gun out of its holster, and aimed it at my forehead.

"Guys! Kill them all! Leave no survivors! Damnit, I'm gonna kill the bastard who sent us out on this mission!" Mr. Mellow shoute d to his comrades.

Mr. Mellows lackies jumped out from behind him, and attacked Law, Aoki, and Bepo.

I could knock them all out with Conquerors haki, but that'd take away the experience of having our first fight as a crew. Although the chances of us losing are nothing but zero percent.

"I'll maybe spare you if you tell me who you work for." Mr. Mellow smiled as he spoke.

Hah, couldn't you make up a better lie.

"Who I work for? I work for me, myself, and I." I suddenly vanished and punched him from behind, haki wasn't added to the punch as the guy would be dead.

The other Millions looked back in shock as there leader laid down on the ground unconscious, his eyes pure white his pupils nowhere to be found.

The Millions members all suddenly felt that today might be there last day of living.

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