
(29) Laffite, The Fallen Sheriff!

"So…you were kicked out of the West Blue because of you being 'excessively violent and unnecessarily cruel' towards your superiors?" Kitt asked as we stared at the man before us.

"Exactly. The greedy bastards simply wanted more and more power, they weren't even doing what our job as law enforcers is; punishing criminals! I'm the bad guy after I simply gave them a piece of my mind? I call Bullshit!"

The pale man in front of us shouted in anger, the man was of course Laffite.

His anger was justified in a certain point of view, but also unjustified in another; as to some everyone deserves second chances for the actions they commit. And to others depending on how bad the deed is, than that person deserves to have zero chances at redemption.

His point of view could be seen as hypocritical, as if you were the criminal in this situation and you've done some horrendous deed, you'd want to gain the right to a second chance; by having the jury or judge be sympathetic towards your situation.

"They wanted to give a man who killed an entire family, merely ten years in prison! They asked him why he did it and he said 'because it was fun!' Criminals like him don't deserve to live! So I shot him dead on the spot."

"My superior gave me a long lecture after that, saying how my actions were inhumane and overly cruel. Frustrated, I got up and slapped him. What would that family have to say if they heard that mans words."

Laffite finally stopped voicing his frustration, and looked up at us with an embarrassed smile.

"My apologies for my sudden outburst, you are complete strangers; telling you all about my problems could come off as rude."

"No, no, it didn't come off as rude at all. In fact, we were looking for Laffite the Sheriff; well Laffite the former Sheriff. Join my crew!" I shouted startling both Kitt and Laffite.

"Crew? So you guys are pirates, you know what I was getting sick and tired of this rotten law system anyway. We let the true criminals out and keep the innocent in, it's truly despicable and disgusting." After a good four to five minutes of silence, Laffite finally spoke.

"Lucky for you, as if you were speaking to the me from two hours ago; I would have put a hole in you right as you stand, for even suggesting for me to become a pirate! Well, I should adress you as Captain Avery now."

Wow, does everybody just want to be pirates nowadays; first Law joined easy and fast now Laffite. Well better for me I guess.

"Hmm, it seems our crew doesn't have a proper navigator. Am I right?"

"Y-yes you are, how'd you know? I don't think there was anything here that'd tell you that." I looked up at Laffite, he was incredibly tall he was probably around eleven foot.

"Hmm, well honestly it was merely a guess; from what I saw as I walked around the ship, was that there were little to no compasses or sea charts. A strange thing to not have as every navigator needs these two crucial things, which hinted towards you not having a navigator."

Great deduction, the reason there was no sea charts nor compasses was that the system mainly helped me navigate. If it didn't, we would've been lost at sea when we first left Shimotsuki village.

"Luckily I'm here now, I already have both of those items on me. I'll act as the helmsman and navigator, until we find an actual helmsman to steer our ship."

"Hah, Kitt he's only just arrived and he's already doing more things than you! Hahaha!" I said jokingly getting a chuckle out of Laffite and making Kitt's face go red.

"W-what?! I've done so much stuff, umm I brought him over to the ship, guided you to Swallow Island, umm what else?"

"There isn't anything else! Useless green pelican!"

"Hey! Pelicans have feeling too!" Kitt pouted.

"Hahaha, I'll enjoy being in this crew." Laffite said as Kitt tried to think of stuff he did for me.


[??? POV]

"Altriax" A deep, authoritative, and holy voice sounded out.

"Yes, my lord?" A familiar voice sounded out, the voice was filled with respect and reverance, towards the other being.

"How is that Lower Being who was selected by the Reincarnation Chroncles doing?" The deep holy voice sounded out, the voice was filled with curiousity.

"The Lower Being who was selected? Lets see he was sent to world Z--X13H C-/BQ. Master, that Lower Being is quite unique; his progression in that Lower World is incredibly fast. In less than a year he has already become quite powerful, in that world's standards of course; that Lower Being couldn't dare rival your holiness!" The familiar voice shouted, his voice was filled with immense respect and admiration.

"Hmm…it has been a while since a being has been selected by the Chronicles, it has always been amusing watching the Lower Being who was selected."

"I have a feeling this Lower Being who was selected will be quite fun to watch, hahaha! It's been a while sense we've watched the Rise of a Reincarnator!" The deep holy voice shouted, his laughter made the surroundings shake; it was on par with a 9.6 level earthquake!

"It has indeed been a while master, it's also been a while since I've seen you so amused and excited. Is this mortal truly that special?"


[Avery POV]

"Achoo!" Somebody must be talking about me. I have become a rising star of some sorts, let's just hope it's some beautiful woman talking about me like Boa, or Robin.

Boa huh? Amazon lily is a place we'll be visiting in the future, I wonder if she and Aoki can get along. Well Aoki gets along with everyone so it won't be hard for them to become friends.

Hah, there's just too much stuff to do in he future and not enough time! It'll be fun I know that for sure though!

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