

Ty was no longer with us, he promised he would enter soon after. My heart raced as I took Damian's outstretched hand and let him guide me through the elaborately carved golden doors.

A guqin, flute, and some zithers played a relaxed, melodic tune as I entered the grand hall. The ethereal sound gave me goosebumps. 

The Emperor sat on his throne at the end of the long red carpet, on a raised platform. On either side of him, was a row of smaller thrones, where beautiful women sat giggling and whispering to one another.

Ren sat directly to the Emperor's right, talking in his ear until she spotted the eunuch leading us through. 

When our eyes met across the distance, the orcs sat down on each side of the long hall faded. All that mattered were those golden eyes and her subtle, but warm smile.

The chattering lowered as the eunuch announced who we were to the half-filled room. 

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