
Ch.21 Heist

It was about midnight and the common room was now empty, no one was there. I used the Disillusionment Charm to sneak out of the common room. I was going to the third floor. Voldy told me to go with them, and I was seriously contemplating doing so, cause this Quirrell isn't like the one in the books or the movies.

He is strong, and I fear that he may use more than his hands to kill Harry. So I resolved myself and went to help them. I reached the third floor just in time I saw them in front of the door, they opened it and walked inside. I walked towards them, and they were talking and looking down at the hole, and I said, "Hey guys."

They were startled, and they pointed their wands at me. I raised my hands and said, "Whoa, relax, here to help."

Ron looked at me and said, "We don't need your bloody help."

I looked behind him and Fluffy seems to be awake now. I pointed behind him and said, "We need to go now!" They looked behind and they all screamed. I pushed them inside and went down behind them. We all fell down. I sighed in relief, I was close to being a chew toy.

Luckily, the fall was broken because of the devil's snare we landed on. It surprisingly felt comfortable like a water mattress. Harry said, "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't believe us?"

Ron agreed with Harry and said, "Yeah."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I never said that, your sister did…" the plant's tendrils then started to wrap around us and Ron started to panic and asked, "What's happening?"

I said, "It's devil's snare Ron. Just try and relax it'll be fine."

He shouted and started to move even more, "How can I relax?!"

Hermione chimed in and said, "He is right relax or otherwise you'll just die faster."

Ron had a look of horror on his face and said, "Oh, thank you very much for that nugget of information now I can relax."

I just relaxed and I was popped right out. Hermione came down with me. I got up and dusted my clothes. I gave Hermione a hand, and she got up as well. Harry asked, "Where are you two?"

Hermione said, "Just relax you two, trust me!"

I took my wand out and said, "I got this." I pointed upwards and said, "Lumos Solem." A streak of white light was produced, and it hit the plant, and it shrieked. It let go of Ron and Harry. They fell down. I put my wand back in and Harry said, "Thank you… both of you."

I walked forward and said, "Let's keep moving."

We walked further and came across a large room filled with keys that had wings, and there was a broom as well. I said, "Come on, Harry, you're up now."

He looked at me and said, "What?"

I said, "We need the key, it's somewhere here… so get on the broom and get it."

Harry looked at me and asked, "What makes you think I can do it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and Ron said, "Come on, Harry, you can do it… believe in yourself."

Harry exhaled and got on the broom. I stepped back and watched with the others. He got on the broom and went straight for it. He was good… if he had been on the Gryffindor team this year we wouldn't have won the cup. He caught the key and threw it to us.

Hermione caught it and opened the door. Harry got in the nick of time, and we closed the door before those keys could enter. After passing this, we headed for the next trail, it was the chess game.

Harry, Hermione and Ron Played. I still have no idea why Ron had to be on the horse, but ok. Ron used his skills and got us past the challenge set by McGonagall. Ron sacrificed himself in the process, he wasn't killed or anything, he was just unconscious.

Hermione stayed behind with Ron, Harry and I moved forward for the next trail I suppose. Harry said, "Thank you for helping us."

I looked at him and said, "It's not really a problem…" We were walking down the stairs and the last trail was the mirror. We arrived in the room, and we saw Quirrell in front of the mirror.

Harry was in shock, he was confused, he said "You? No, no, it can't be… you." He took a breath in and said, "I thought Snape…"

Quirrell chuckled and said, "Yes, he does seem the type doesn't he? Next to him who would suspect, P-p-poor, st-t-tuttering prof. Quirrell? "

Harry said, "You were the one who set the trolls."

Both were going on about revealing facts, and I was just preparing myself to throw down. I would need to keep Harry out, can't let him know about Voldy and me.

Quirrell turned around and said, "I can see myself holding the stone, but how do I get it?"

Voldy said, "Use them."

I looked at Quirrell, and he smiled and said, "Come here, you two." He snickered, I wanted to kill him. Harry said, "Don't worry." I looked at him and he was scared. I saw his leg shake. I sighed and said, "Come on."

We walked towards the mirror and Quirrell asked, "What do you see?"

I looked in the mirror and I saw the same thing as before. Harry said, "I see myself shaking hands with Dumbledore, getting the cup."

Quirrell looked at me and I said, "I see the same thing as you…"

Voldy grumbled and said, "Liar."

Quirrell said, "Tell the truth! What do you see."

Voldy said, "Let me speak to him."

Harry and I made some distance and Quirrell opened his turban, and we saw Voldy's face, and he said, "Harry Potter… nice to meet you."

Harry said, "Voldemort."

And this was my cue to act surprised, and I said, "Voldemort?" Quirrell looked at me and I said, "You lied to me?"

Voldy said, "Yes, but the things that I said, are still true… you both can join me and live."

Harry was confused, and he asked, "What is he saying?"

Voldy chuckled, "Join me, Jon, and all you have to do is get that stone for me from his pocket." Harry grabbed me, and tried to run, but Quirrell blocked off the entrance with fire.

Harry took a few steps down and said, "We are never giving in." I pointed my wand at Harry and a red light hit him. He went flying down the stairs and became unconscious. Quirrell and Voldy were surprised and impressed. Voldy said, "Good choice, Son."

Quirrell went to grab the stone off Harry, but I pointed my wand at Harry and used my version of Protego Diabolica. Harry was enveloped in a green flames with black hue, and Quirrell's hand caught fire and was slowly progressing to his body. Quirrell got his wand and said, "Diffindo." He severed his hand.

His right hand turned to ash. I floated Harry's body to me and Voldy was pissed beyond recognition and shouted, "What's the meaning of this?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "You really thought I was going to steal the stone for you? Don't believe such blatant lies… father."

Voldy grunted and said, "Kill him."

Quirrell put on a twisted smile and said, "With Pleasure." he pointed his wand at, and I knew which spell he would cast. I pointed my wand down, and I raised a wall of stone quickly. Quirrell shouted, "Avada Kedavra." The green light hit the wall and I said, "Typical!"

I got over the cover and shot out spells. He was trying to counter me, but he was weak now. He lacked focus. He shot a bomarda maxima at me, and I ran out of it's way and took cover behind a pillar.

Furthermore, he stopped just for a second and I decided to trow a spell that he didn't expect. I pointed the wand at him and said, "Sectumsempra." He didn't know how to block it. I don't know if he even could. He tried and doge it, but his legs got caught in it.

He groaned in pain and tried to move, but I used this opportunity "Expilliarmus!" His wand flew out of his hand and I grabbed it. I said, "Silencio! Silencio" both of them got their mouth shut. I sighed and took a breather. This was intense. I was feeling a little dizzy, but I shook my head.

I walked towards them and Quirrell was not in a good condition, he was loosing blood. His face was becoming pale, and I turned him over and faced Voldy and asked, "You know this could have been a lot different if you had an ounce of humanity in you."

He grunted, and I said, "Yeah, I am not letting you talk… I may be a child, but I am not an idiot."

I sat at a distance and asked, "You must have questions like why did I do it? And all that, but it's kinda simple really… even though you are my father, that doesn't mean shit to me… and you being evil and all also helps a bit."

I sighed and said, "I have to say you really are idiotic man, asking me to join you even after knowing my mom spent her life fighting you… kinda stupid."

I looked at him and said, "Anything you want to say before I ice you?"

He grunted, and I said, "Oh, yeah, forgot about that." I got up and said, "Looks, like I will have to make my piece with it."

I pointed my wand at Harry and levitated him to Quirrell and dropped him. Quirrell muffled screamed surrounded the room. In a few seconds, Quirrell was ash. I pointed my wand at Harry and dispelled the surrounding fire. I walked towards him and got the stone out his pocket.

I looked at it and said, "Might come in handy, I suppose." I put it in my pocket and was about to walk out as I was about to do it. I felt like the room was spinning, my ears were ringing, and I said, "What the…" I felt flat on the ground, and I was knocked out.


Section with Cotton 🐍

Greetingsss Readersss,

Hey guys I hope you all liked the chapter. The year one of Hp is coming to an end in like a few chapters. Leave a comment down below if you liked the chapter and thank you to everyone that is reading this FF please continue your support. I will see you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

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