
Chapter 91

Vegeta's POV.

Dodging a claw strike from Naturon, I backflip away from him to gain distance, and land right next to Kakarot.

Vegeta-"Tsk, this stupid animal might actually be decently powerful."

Goku-"Yeah, while fighting him I could tell our attacks didn't do much damage to him, we're going to have to get slightly serious."

When Kakaort finished talking we both transformed into SSj, making our power skyrocket, surprising Naturon in the process. Getting into a fighting position, I was about to charge at him but Kakarot beat me to it, making me angry.

Goku-"I'm fighting him first."

Vegeta-"Dammit Kakarot!"

Reverting back to base to conserve energy, I watch as Kakarot fights against Naturon, and while watching the fight play out, I get interested in the weird way he attacks, but while the power he's releasing is powerful it is still well within our capabilities. As the battle continues Naturon manages to force Kakarot to show more and more power until he eventually transforms into an SSJ2, then the battle starts back up again.

This time Kakarot has the advantage and it's only a matter of time until Naturon's defeat, after several minutes Kakarot has managed to defeat him, and when he's about to launch his Ki wave to deliver the finishing blow, black smoke suddenly erupts right out of Naturon's body covering him in it. When Kakarot's attack was about to hit him, the black smoke receded and now his appearance changed by adding horns on the top of his head along with a dewlap on his neck.

Opening his mouth, Naturon ate Kakarots attack like nothing and patted his stomach afterward.

Naturon-"That tasted good, now I'll kill you for hurting me!"

When Naturon lunged at Kakarot his speed was several times faster than before and his attacks were far stronger as well, once the fight started for the second time Kakarot was on the defensive, not being able to retaliate. While watching the battle I started taking this Naturon guy somewhat seriously when he managed to force Kakarot to transform into an SSJ3, but even when he did transform he was still on the defensive. This continued for a few minutes till Kakarot's body finally couldn't handle it and he directly reverted back to his base form right before he crashed next to me.

Goku-"It's…Your turn…Vegeta…He's strong."

Vegeta-"I know."

Leaving Kakarot on the ground I transform into SSj2 and intercept Naturon who was charging at us, when I'm in front of him he swings his claw at me, and when I try to block it I get flung into the ground, while Naturon continues his charge after Kakarot. Irritated at not even being considered a threat, I use Ikari which caused my body to slightly grow and get bigger.

Flying out of the ground, I charge up a final flash and launch it right at the back of Naturon who was about to attack Kakarot, by the time Naturon sensed the attack and turned around it was too late. When the attack hit him, he was sent flying but stopped when he hit the dome Nala created, when I stopped attacking the previous uninjured Naturon now had burn marks all over his stomach.

Vegeta-"Hmph, that's what you get for not taking me seriously."

Naturon-"How dare you harm me, I'll kill you as well!"

Once he found out who suddenly attacked him, he yelled at me and started charging his way toward me, when he arrived close to me he tried biting me, but I flashed beside his head and kicked him in the face. Blocking the tail he attacked me with, he attacks me with his claw from the side and I barely dodged it in time, shooting ki blasts to distract him, I rammed straight into his stomach causing him to cough up spit. Backing away, I was about to do the same attack but before I could, his hands clasped my body in place preventing me from moving and he started squeezing tightly, crushing my body slowly.

Knowing that I'll most likely get crushed if I don't escape, I form a ki blade on each of my hands and slice the inside of his hands which are trying to crush me, when I did he opened his hands from the pain which allowed me the chance to escape. Backing away from him, I deactivate my ki blades and get back into a fighting stance.

Vegeta-'He currently has more raw power than me, but I'm faster than him so as long as I don't get caught again I'll be fine.'

Once he recovered he looked at me angrily as he yelled before charging right back at me again, smirking I did the same and flew towards him, and when his big body and my small body collided another round of battle started.

As the battle continues we both wind up with injuries on our bodies, but while my body is in worse shape than Naturon's, he's already exhausted and we've only been fighting for about 10 minutes.

About an hour later the battle has come to an end, Naturon is currently laying on the ground completely exhausted with injuries all over his body, but I'm not in any better shape. While I'm not nearly as exhausted as Naturon, I'm currently heavily injured and It won't take much for me to go down, but with Naturon being completely defenseless right now I push through the pain and start charging up a Galick Gun strong enough to kill him.

Once my attack is fully charged up I flash right above Naturon and launch my attack at him, catching him off guard.


Right before my attack reached him, Naturon managed to block the attack but even still I continue attacking, using everything I got left in my body I release it, but it was still not enough to take Naturon down once and for all.

Vegeta-'Dammit, I have to take him out now or he'll kill us!.'

I continue pushing out all the ki I have in my body till there was nothing left for me to use, right when I was about to collapse from severe Ki exhaustion, Kakarot appeared right behind, and while he wasn't fully healed he was in far better than shape than he was an hour ago.

Goku-"Seems like you could use some help."

Before I could even deny his claim, I felt his hand grab onto my should as he suddenly started transferring his ki to me and only stopped when I was about half full.

Goku-"Here…That's…Everything…I got."

Not bothering to reply to him, I channel all the ki I was just given into my attack, finally overwhelming Naturon and killing him. The moment I stop the attack, I immediately revert back to my base form and I'm hit with severe weakness that almost makes me fall to the ground, but my pride doesn't allow me to. Landing on the ground next to Kakarot, we suddenly hear noise coming from where I killed Naturon, and coming out of the rubble is a tiny mole that's slowly turning into black smoke.

Naturon-"Hahaha, You've managed to beat me…But don't think you've won…You still have 6 more of us to fight…And I'm the weakest one by far…You have exactly 24 hours…Before the sixth-star dragon awakens…My big-sister Oceanus will be more…Than enough to defeat you guys."

Once he finally finished talking his body completely turned into smoke, just leaving the seventh-star Black Star Dragon ball. Hering noise come from behind us, Kakarot and I turn around spotting Nala slithering towards us.

Nala-"If what he said was true this is quite bad."

yolo give me something!

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts
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