
Wedding Day (II)

Ever since Zhang Liling and Tungmei were caught playing around by Song Jujing and Jian Cuifen, they had been in the doll mode respectfully.

From little children playing around, they turned to grown adults that knew their left from their right.

They were already guilty as charged.

After retouching her make-up again, Zhang Liling took a few pictures with her both mothers before getting ready to take her wedding vows.

On the other hand, Fang Bingwen was already standing in front of the door to the hall where their vows will be taken.

And beside him was Li Chuanli.

"Man, I can't believe that this day came for someone like you." Smiling hard, Chuanli hit his arm playfully.

Giving him the side glance, Fang Bingwen asked, "What is wrong with someone like me?"

What exactly was he trying to say about his character?

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