
Joy overflow

"What! The results are out?!" Zhang Liling asked in surprise. 

She couldn't believe her ears. She has been waiting for the announcement since, and now there was a positive news, she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, and I just checked mine. You should check yours!" 

Zhang Mingyu sounded so confident as he replied her with a smile.

Zhang Renshu who looked disappointed before, suddenly became interested in the topic. And seeing his son smiling from ear to ear gave him the impression that he did well.

No one who failed would act the way he just did.

"Mingyu, you said you have checked your results, what grade did you come out with?" Zhang Renshu asked.

Zhang Liling on the other hand, was already rushing to bring her phone out of her bag. The people from the moving company could wait all they wanted.

She was not going to let a second pass by without checking her result.

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