
Yinchen's Intervention



Immediately, Sun Wu Jang heard Andromeda's name, his forehead puckered. That name rang a bell that spelt anger for him just the same way his business deal spoke to him currently.

From what had happened in the past it was her presence that made Sun Jingyi behave foolishly and made him lose face before Li Jing. 

Hmm! He breathed out. 

The name brought him bad luck as far as he was concerned and seeing how Su Mei stormed in forgetting her manners like a mad woman to come and ring a stupid bell in his ears, he could say calling her bad luck was an understatement.

"Oh, now you are interested?"

"Depends. You are still on probation. Speak. What about this Andromeda Kai?"

"That she was caught by your son and then she was saved. He let her go. Sun Yichen is getting weak."

"You mean I kidnapped her, something against the law?"

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