
Genius Plan? #256

The Rock of Eternity

Everyone had a blank expression on their faces as Grayson suddenly appeared, and an army of robots instantly surrounded him, brandishing their insectoid, metallic arms threateningly.

"I fucking hate portals," Grayson said, clearly displeased as he looked around and identified the culprit behind his sudden appearance by the tendrils of energy radiating from her body.

"You better have a good reason for bringing me here," Grayson said as he subtly scanned the area and realized his current whereabouts and the bound Billy Batson in the corner.

"Fret not. Our reasons are valid," Isis calmly said as she floated next to Grayson, nodding at him in greeting. "Your presence here is necessary," She added, crossing her arms.

"That's for me to decide," Grayson said, shaking his head. "Start talking," He added without bothering to hide his annoyance at suddenly being taken out of his hideout and brought here.

"The crystal with the souls of the Four Horsemen. We need to restore the rock of eternity's power..." Black Adam interjected before his wife could reply as he floated next to Grayson.

"We owe you a debt of gratitude. I didn't want to bring you into this, but we had no other choice," The former champion of the wizard solemnly explained as he landed and stood next to Isis.

"To what end?" Grayson asked, getting straight to the point as he didn't seem to care for pleasantries.

"To wipe evil from the face of our world so that wicked men like Faust may no longer roam free and unhindered," Isis replied, her expression vicious as she recalled the sorcerer and the unspeakable things he did to her.

"The Rock of Eternity is a powerful tool, capable of altering the reality of our existence, even erasing evil from the entire world..." Isis said as she turned away from Grayson and towards the ancient, mystical rock.

"However, the wizard depleted its energy before we banished him into its mists," Isis explained as she turned back to Grayson. "The crystal in your possession is the only thing that could restore its power," She went on as she regained her calm and put on a solemn expression.

"Join us. Help us make this world a better place," Isis concluded, pausing as she waited for Grayson to reply.

"You're telling me you want to use the spirits of four undying, purely evil entities to power a nexus of power you barely understand..." Grayson said with a scoff, scowling at the former champion's wife.

"... to alter reality and erase evil from the world...?" He blankly asked as he gathered his bearings. "Are you all crazy or stupid?" He asked, unable to keep his calm as he scowled again.

"And what if being evil is in the nature of humans, huh? What then, genius?" Grayson asked, his tone growing more angry and frustrated as he spoke.

"Wouldn't that dumb rock of yours destroy humanity? People of Kandahq included...?" Grayson asked as he turned to glare at Black Adam, causing the latter to frown.

"What if the four horsemen took control of the stone instead of being consumed by it as nourishment?" Grayson asked, his tone growing harsher as he turned back to Isis.

"What the fuck will you do then, and how will you even begin to stop them?" He concluded, pausing as he began panting for breath out of anger and frustration.

Silence reigned in the Rock of Eternity as everyone looked at Grayson in stunned silence. Everyone looked uncomfortable besides Billy Batson, who only seemed to sigh in relief.

"What you said is not unreasonable, but we will not allow such scenarios to occur," Isis said, breaking the silence as she regained her calm, sounding more determined than ever as she spoke.

"Now, hand over the stone, please..." Isis asked, extending her hands toward Grayson, and despite her polite words, her tone was nothing if not commanding and demanding.

"Fuck no. In fact, not only am I not giving you the stone, but I'm also going to beat some sense into your thick skulls," Grayson said through gritted teeth as outrageous amounts of energy began leaking out of his body, stirring the dirt.

Grayson immediately jumped into the air as soon as he stopped talking to dodge Mary Marvel, who came flying towards him like a speeding ballistic rocket.

He found Black Adam waiting for him in the air as he swung his fist and connected. However, the attack phased through Grayson's body as a green ring appeared on his finger, and bright green flames surrounded his body.

Before Grayson could counter-attack, countless thorny vines and tree branches emerged from the ground, flying towards him at an incredible speed, distracting him.

Knowing the Star Heart ring's powers wouldn't work on plants, Grayson created tens of flame energy spheres around his body and rained fire on the ground to get rid of the plants.

The army of machines on the ground didn't stand still either as they brandished their flame throwers and began eradicating the green as one of the insectoid robots snuck under the flame's cover to Billy Batson.

Billy sighed in relief as the Sentry Drone removed the gag from his mouth and freed him. "The scarab necklace," He said, watching as Grayson began exchanging blows with Black Adam in the air.

"If you can get me the scarab necklace, I'll get my powers back, and I'll be able to help..." Billy added, his tone urgent as he gestured towards the former champion.

The machine didn't reply or react to Billy's words, as it left him and began burning whatever vines and tree branches appeared from within the ground.

Meanwhile, the fight between Black Adam and Grayson only grew more intense as Mary Marvel joined the fray to help her ally. Despite being outnumbered, Grayson held his ground, aided by the power of the Star Heart ring, teleporting around the rock of eternity as he created one energy construct after the other to battle his opponents.

Suddenly, Mary Marvel found herself trapped in a green energy sphere as an energy construct carrying the likeness of Richard Dragon appeared before her, taking a martial arts stance and beckoning her to bring it with one hand behind its back.

She scowled, clearly angered by the provocation, as she charged the energy construct, but it was deceptively strong as it caught her wrist and slammed her into an energy barrier, the impact shocking the air out of her lungs.

Isis attempted to help Mary Marvel, but the army of insectoid machines kept her at bay as they lunged at her one after the other, even as she destroyed them, only for them to reform and attack her again.

Black Adam noticed the blight of his allies, but he could do nothing to help them, busy dodging the sharp edge of Grayson's leviathan's axe as he was.

Despite having the advantage in range, Grayson didn't seem intent to capitalize on it as he remained close to the former champion, preferring to fight with his axe instead of teleporting away and blasting his foe with energy.

"So much for the wisdom of Zehuti," Grayson said with a frown, tilting his head to dodge a punch from Black Adam. "I wonder, Is your god's wisdom so limited that he doesn't see the foolishness of your plan," He added as he swung his axe at the former champion's neck, forcing him to fly back.

"Or are you so foolish that you don't adhere to his wisdom," He went on as he retrieved his gun and began firing at Black Adam as the latter casually slapped away the energy projectiles.

"Watch your tone, boy. Gods do not suffer the impudence of mortals, nor do I," Black Adam said, his eyes glowing as he raised his hand and fired an arc of blue electricity toward his opponent.

"God or not, your bitch asses will suffer me, or the world will suffer the consequences of your stupid plan," Grayson said as he absorbed the former champion's lightning and shot it back towards, but before doubling its strength.

He didn't stand still and closed the distance between them as Black Adam dissipated the attack. He quickly halted his momentum and punched the former champion in the face, causing him to grunt in pain.

Grayson attempted to punch him again, but Black Adam reacted and kicked him away. The young man's barely grazed the former champion's chest as he flew away with a grimace.

That wasn't all. Isis finally managed to free herself from the army of drones surrounding her as she instantly flew towards Mary Marvel to help her escape the spherical energy barrier.

Still, Grayson's grimace slowly shifted into a strange smile as he raised his hand, revealing the scarab necklace in his palm. "Looks like the swiftness of Heru isn't all that it's cracked up to be either," Grayson said with a chuckle as he threw the amulet toward Billy Batson.


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