
Chapter 94.

29th of February, 2019.

Batman Begins was released and people who had pre-booked the tickets were already in the queue of getting a seat to watch the movie which they thought is one of the best from the trailer, premiere details, critics, and especially because it is from none other than Ian Renner.

At the same time, Ian had requested MeTV to broadcast a special interview done by Christian Bale and Scarlett Johnson for a special spotlight because, both the movies 'The Alien' and 'Batman Begins' were head-to-head; which means that both of them were doing equally great in the theaters.

With an equal number of screenings, the only thing that Ian could do to expose the movie more was marketing. Because of that, during the premier bringing the Batmobile helped in their favor a lot, but again, he wanted to keep people in contact with Bale and Scarlett considering how people started to search them up on the internet.

"Good Evening everyone! Fans of Hollywood, the blood of movies, and the heart that keeps pumping to keep the lives of actors alive…. Lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup!" The people in the audience laughed loudly.

"I'm joking, but anyway, hello again, I have two exciting people to talk with us today. Considering how famous they have become in the past couple of days, with the premiere of…. BATMAN BEGINS! I was doubting if my request for you both to be here would go unnoticed with every other! Anyway, seeing you both here is my greatest pleasure!"

"Thank you," "Same here," Both of them replied in sync.

"How did you get in, Bale? Last time I saw you, you were acting in a rom-com, which people criticized badly for so many reasons, but now… our show is on the top 10 shows of all time for the day, because of the guests here!"

"Does it mean that I was the problem the whole time?" People laughed again.

Christian Bale was wearing a suit, with a slight smile that made him look like a hotshot in Hollywood which was partially true. Scarlett who sat beside him looked too sweet to be true.

"That… without a doubt," Bale said earning laughs from everyone.

"So, man! Let's talk about Batman, I mean, did you drive that thing?" The host questioned while he pointed at the screen behind him. It was a small video of the Tumbler at the premiere night.

It showed how the car sped up and did some stunts in the parking lot which was right in front of the premier hall. So many celebrities, directors, and people were gathered around the car to see what he did. As soon as the little show ended, out of the car, Bale got out of the car wearing a suit and looking handsome as ever.

Everyone gasped, clapped, and was hyped with the amount of show he put in. Bale was inside the movie hall just like everybody else, but no one knew that he went out or—would do something like this.

It was so out of the blue, yet was timed perfectly. Which was an idea from Ian to create more hype for the people to watch Batman Begins. Many celebrities who were present at the moment shot the entire Tumbler scenario and posted it everywhere, which made people go crazy all over again.

"Yes, of course, I did. Although it did take time for me to practice how to drive that thing, after a while it all becomes too easy and chill. I wish I could have it forever so I can make normal work visits via that,"

People erupted in a peal of laughter hearing his words.

"I mean—That sounds something I would love to do, Scarlett how are you?" The host shifted the focus to the pretty lady beside Bale.

"I'm doing so good, people already love the movie, although it is yet to begin," Scarlett said with a smile showing her dimple.

"Oh hell yes, your character, tell us something about her, and I really wanna know how it was like to work on the set with Ian, Bale, and all, can you share a bit?"


"Wait wait wait, you thought I let you go easily didn't you? Watch this everyone! Scarlett falling asleep in the middle of shooting!" The host said while Scarlett's eyes rose in surprise.

She had not expected anything embarrassing to happen yet. Although she knew that many embarrassing scenes of filming would be out in no time, she had not expected it to be anytime sooner.

The screen behind them changed the display from the talk show logo to a video where Scarlett had her mouth open—sleeping deeply, in fact not giving a damn to the world. Her hair and costume were neatly done, yet she was dead asleep. People who were behind the camera laughed, which did not make her move even by an inch.

"Oh my God, I can't believe Niko sent that, I mean—" People laughed while Scarlett closed her eyes in embarrassment. "He promised that he would expose the embarrassing stuff after the movie release, I can't believe-"

"It's alright, a nap between a tiring day is totally fine, I mean, even we sleep sometimes—" He said and looked at the camera. "Just not in front of cameras, and from what I saw you must be a deep sleeper," The host shrugged making Scarlett shake her head in annoyance.

"Not really, I was just dead tired–"

"Yeah, we can see that, moving on,"

Everyone laughed at his joke including Scarlett and Bale.

"I asked something before, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. So, to be frankly honest, working with these people can be taken as the best thing that has ever happened to me. Especially working with someone like Christian Bale,"

"And kissing him," The host joked again.

"That too," Scarlett's reply made everyone laugh. "No, apart from that, Ian is a great director, very easy to work with, and to be honest, I never thought I would be able to work in something this huge—very soon, considering I was just getting in and out of auditions the other day, this was a huge opportunity and I hope I did my best to the role,"

"Of course you did, the kissing scene was awesome— I mean, your acting was, so today, people would get to see Batman Begins, many are already in the queue for the movie, and some are waiting for their turn for the booked tickets, oh and currently we have a fan who wanted to talk to Scarlett especially, Scarlett are you ready?"

"Yes!" Scarlett said with a smile.

"Well, I'm sorry there's no one,"

"Haha… Very funny!" Scarlett said as a joke.

"So the thing with Batman, why would you think that Batman is different from any other superhero? Or the movie—in that case?"

"Yes, so it is realistic movie making. You know, Batman Begins is very practical, we give answers logically and this was not some fly—fight, and stuff, it is all technique, mechanics, and especially, technology. And when it comes to Batman, it was proof that Ian wanted it to be as real as possible, you know, not just give out that this and this existed, Batman was there, the story itself was something which gave lots of background on the character and all. So, in Batman Begins we give answers to so many questions—like, how he becomes Batman, Why he becomes… And then, we give out the whole background of who is Bruce Wayne,

And you know the thing is, even with comics—People had never really answered, it was just how they assumed things, and with the movie, I could say this would be something that would turn the angels on superhero movies in the industry," Bruce said while the camera was focused on him the whole time.

"Oh that is great to know, I was thinking of taking my wife to watch Batman Begins tonight and…"

The interview continued for thirty more minutes and was cast live on MeTV.

"They did a great job," Ian said to Mason who joined to watch the talk show with him.

"Yes, and even the numbers are increasing ever since the first screening, let me see…" Mason said, taking the computer and typing things on it to view the statistics of the current screening which were happening all around the country. "We are still behind 'The Alien',"

An 'Oh' left Ian's lips. Although in his mind, he was aware that the movie would not do much better during the first few hours—or even days, considering the fan base for Lycan Studio was much higher and the fans for the franchise in which the movie was released were way higher compared to the superhero movie.

But he also was aware of how "It will be fine uncle, this is just the start. I'm sure people would start to notice which movie is better, and people attract new genres pretty quickly, considering how cool the entire movie is," Ian said and chuckled.

"Your confidence has risen so much since day one, and I'm proud of you, Ian," Mason said with a smile.

||__A word from me__||

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