
Chapter 385 Mushroom Menace (2)

When Krunnen received a message back from his superior in relation to the Mind Manipulating Mushroom, the giant tortoise frowned deeply.

"So, what did they say?" Evelyn asked. 

She could already tell it was not good news from Krunnen's reaction but was hoping it would not be too bad.

"The other Rangers are spread too thin dealing with uptick in elemental activity to send me any aid right now. My boss just told me that the primary focus of my mission has been changed to locating the main body of the Mind Manipulating Mushroom and that I want get relived until I do. She said that only once I have found my target will a strike team be sent out to deal with the blasted fungus." 

Krunnen held his head in defeat after relaying the words of his superior. 

While the task he had been given was not necessarily a suicide mission, it was pretty close to one.

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