
Study for tonight?!

"For...For-" I stammered looking away from my dad's questioning eyes ready to shook any answer which would undoubtedly come into my mind in SOS case-

"Birthday! "

Why my brain is such a stum head?!

I could have give much better here!

"But it's too far..." papa complained

but now there was no turning back!

"So what?! I will wear...this..."

I felt a minute break into my heart as I said those words putting my eyes thoughtfully over the black lustrous.

Abtruptly, my dad started to laugh through his abdominal shaking the house to the head like I have said the funniest joke ever which surely is not funny to me in any ways but baffling in many ways!

"Relax, We're not getting bankrupt....I will get you another by Then..."

A little smile arise over my lips, surely he isn't serious at all that's good otherwise, my seventeenth birthday was---

"She has made up her mind, dad but...I can afford one more dress in my closet!" My enemy turned sister poked her nose with those shiny eyes into papa.

My cheeks bulged out as I glace at my playful sister with those threatening eyes of mine!

In a precipitate, the bubble of tension blasted with our laughter.

We all laugh with our stomach hurts yet we won't stop until mom disectected it with her sharp frightful shout from her workplace(kitchen)-

"Everybody to your coffins!"

And It was matter of that one shout, all were dispersed!

With a hurried 'Good night' everyone rushed as fast as fast to their respective room as they are running for their life!

'cause everyone knew there wasn't a second warning coming!

Not even my dad could save us in anyways!

I was about to start hiking to my room when suddenly something electrifying sparked in my head and I turn backwards making a clear cut announcement-

"Mom-dad, we are going to study late, tonight..."

And everything-every rush turned into hush, dad's hiking bag fall from his grasp and one crackle could be heard-

"Study?! "

Mom came out of the kitchen mid dish washing session with a shocked questioning look.

Okay, I have to admit I am not 'so good' at studies yet... I'm not so worst at studies that my parents should have such an expression!

But this is undoubtedly that, tonight is not about studies at all!

"...We are soon going to have...periodics..."

My evil sis jump into my rescue saying some made up somethings that was of even lame 'cause we surely have periodics but in whole two months and it is damn unbelievable that an average student like me is studying before the final week yet I did was a strong nod on her words

"Um... right! right! Go study!" but after all those loop holes, The Supreme seemed shockingly convinced!

She doesn't seem to be taking any of my word serious yet she seem to consume it ...

Maybe here a little credit goes to Yuki, Remember today's evening extra class?!

That should have nudged!

holding my lightening firecrackers inside me, I turned steadily to depart for studies I mean....P-A-R-T-Y!

With enthusiastic feet, I eagerly climb up the only stairs to the first room of the only floor and enclosed into the room when I was about to close the door, suddenly I felt something wasn't right!

'cause I never wasn't the first one to climb the stairs, it was my sister!

I walk back on the way I just covered up-to the edge of the top stair, peeking-m.

Only to witness my sister was behind me doing the same climb but in unusually-a little too slow motion and a distressed look on her face holding on to the wooden ledge along to the staircase!

"Faster!" I screamed suppressed.

"I'm the one with hurt knee, here!"

She rose her head protesting that I shook my head for once-

"Okay! Sorry! now faster?! "

"Cinderella, It's not yet midnight! We will be there in plenty of time!"

"Not with a sloth!"

She rolled her eyes and continued one feet at a time!


And my feet started to tap on plywood under my feet!

finally she trudge up in a few more than moments and my foot tapping halted as soon as she reached the last stair.

She took one or two deep sigh from the diaphragm from the trip journey of a whole total of eighteen stair steps, lean on the edge of the outer strings like a wet wear out cloth hanging to dry off!

"UH look ... new record as the slowest walking being..." I go on a spree with pit patting on the clock face of my wrist watch.

But it wasn't so funny to Sis as she sprayed her annoyance over me with her icy chilly grace-

"Do you want to go to party or not?!"

That I felt a little ache on my throat and all the pre-built sarcasm was dismentelled

"Yes ma'am..."

With foot a little slanting, she walk into the open door of our room and I followed her quietly like an obedient child,


The not so soundproof door was sealed and locked by us and slowly all the hustle was coming to peace downstairs with the clock ticking 10:50!

And Ren's party starting timing is pass 11 in dark and is wrapped....Oh no it's never wrapping!

And we knew...."it's time!"

We threw the bedtime story like books to one corner, and started the dynamic

Ultimate transformation!

first Siso begin her make up with mom's centuries old make up kit which mom believes she has thrown that away many years from now but reality encrypte here...

Kaurou started to do here her brightening stuff and I started to dress into my brand new dress-

"How do I look?!" I came out of washroom tightening my shrug around my waist asking from my siso, who was moving her brush over her pink cheeks with delicately,

and unexpected My party popper has this astronshing jaw dropped reaction, still looking at me from head to toe-

"Wow...I am going to throw some acid on you... "

"So, is it good or bad?!"

"What do you think?!" She said irritantly and again started with her work on her face that I smiled shyly.

Right, I look good-very good!

I clenched my Android which was lying peacefully on my mattress, and unlocked the lock moving some random lines of pattern over the touch pad also unlocking the camera application.

Now, I'm on the whole screen of that little device!

I looked peacefully zooming zoom out at myself that I was getting butterflies as I was getting lost into the future touch around my waist, pulling me closer and soothing voice of my prince Nao-

'You look beautiful,ging-'

"Do you want to poke a hole through your mobile by staring?! " My Evilish sister drop into my imaginary romance.

"Unfortunately,it won't work just by staring otherwise I would have burnt a big hole through you! " I dropped on my mattress placing my one leg over another carmly giving a good counter yet her the counter attack still continues-

"Why?! Cause your eyes never get down me?! 'cause I'm hot?!"

I busted on laughter which she doesn't get and then back to serious, eyeing her like a predator-

"I'm not someone of your enchanted army! Now go...do you want to go to party or not?!"

"Ugh... going!" In vexation, she took away her Dress- that maroon frock with cut shoulder and neck cut over sternum not deep yet visible.

As soon as Sis locked the door of washroom, I steadily run my hands or blow dryer over my hairs and a little cream on face, sometimes some foundation sometimes blush, even if I am nil at this knowledge!

I did that perfect amount of light make up according to my look!

It's tiptop 11:18 and I'm ready!

Yet, after so many mannerful knocks on the door, my sister is still locked in!

Maybe she must be finding some hooks in there...

But, time is not meant to be wasted!

Ugh... what should I do?!

Either I will kick the door open or I will be blasted by my own rage!

suddenly, my mobile beeped!

I lifted it to check the notification when I saw was Sai with flattered hairs sitting between many hottie boys like they all are her bfs pic.

Ugh...gross to even think that all those boys are into her?!

A girl who is just changing boyfriends every month for fame?!

But then, I realized it was a message from Sai-

She is messaging me?!

*Irritating B*tch*

<Hello sucker, I couldn't see you in Ren's>

<Oh let me guess, you have invisible powers now!>

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