
Gaara Vs The Akatsuki Part 2

Even though it wasn't a real bird, it was flying using simple science so when it didn't have a wing to create lift it was bound to fall. Deidara knew that once his feet touches the ground, Gaara will again go on the offensive and he won't be able to even come near Gaara when that happens.

"I can't lose without showing everyone what I am capable of." Deidara said as he grit his teeth and the next second, everyone saw him go insdie his own clay bird. They didn't understand what he was trying to do but then the size of the bird decreased and four wings appeared from its back just before the bird could drop on the ground.

Gaara understood that Deidara was making a last ditch effort to stay in the air so he flicked his wrist and a sharp pointed spear like sand pillar rose from the ground under Deidara.

The big wing of the owl also merged back into the body of the owl and just as the spear was about to reach the bird, the 4 wings in the back flapped instantly swerving him to the side.

They flapped again making him rise up in the air but this time his speed was way faster than before. Just as it stopped after reaching a particular height, a small hole appeared in front of the clay body and Deidara's head appeared from it.

2 more holes appeared on the side from where Deidara's hands appeared. "I hate to use this since it's so stuffy in here but what can I say...for the hidden sand to enjoy some fireworks, I must make some compromises."

Just as he said that his eyes shifted to the sand shinobis who were standing on both sides of Gaara. Gaara sent multiple streams of sand to restrict Deidara's movements but this makeshift clay suit of his was a smaller target and since it had 4 wings it could make extremely sharp turns. Yami himself was a little astonished to see it. Deidara did look funny in that but it was a clever strategy. Yami realized that in the canon, Deidara was limited to his own innovative thinking but this one wasn't.

Deidara quickly flew toward the left side of Gaara where the shinobis were waiting for a signal to launch an attack on the 3 remaining Akatsuki members. Hundreds of small balls made of clay just popped out from Deidara's makeshift suit and rained on the shinobis standing below. Gaara was about to focus on creating a platform made of sand in the air that would serve as a barrier between the clay balls and his shinobis but then he saw Deidara fly straight toward him speedily.

'What do I do now? I can't let those clay balls fall on my people as most of it wouldn't be able to run away from such a big area and even if some do manage to swat them away with their jutsu then they will end up swatting them on other shinobis.' Gaara thought. He knew that if his sister Temari was here then she would have used a wind jutsu strong enough to blow the majority of the balls away lowering the number of casualties. On the other hand, if Gaara let himself get attacked by Deidara now, he will be severely injured and in that state, he wouldn't be able to save anybody including his own people which were inside the village.

"Everyone, run away from the balls." Kankuro announced and took out a puppet from his back.

"Wind users ready your wind jutsu and blow the balls away from others." Baki instructed the ones behind him. The other elders and squad leaders gave a similar order but they knew that the casualties are still going to be high.

Just as Diedara and the other Akatsuki members thought that the fight had started to go their way.

A large gale of wind blew out of nowhere. At first, they thought it was just the storm getting intense for a second but the wind blew only in one part. The part where the clay balls were falling and instantly all the balls were thrown in the direction of the three Akatsuki members.

"What the hell?" Diedara muttered as he saw it happen. He then saw Gaara making a move to protect himself so Diedara immediately stopped midair and flew back. The balls were now headed toward the Akatsuki members and the wind had increased their speed as well. The area was too big to run away so the Akatsuki members used their own way of defense.

Sasori's tail rotated above his head to stop any balls from touching his body while Kakuzu unleashed hair from his Akatsuki cloak and raised them up in the air so that the explosion happens mid air. The most excited one was Hidan who took out waved his scythe around trying to blow them up. He had a big smile on his face and he was laughing while explosions happened around him.

'He is behaving like a kid who is popping air bubbles.' Yami thought as he chuckled to himself.

"What just happened?" Baki asked as he looked at Kankuro who was just as confused as the others so he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe Temari has come back from the hidden leaf." Baki said. He knew that Temari was the strongest wind-style user in the hidden sand.

Kankuro shook his head and said "No...she wouldn't be back so early and even if it was her even then she isn't strong enough to blow away all the balls with just precision that none of us were harmed and all of the balls fell on the Akatsuki members.

By this time the clay balls had already detonated on the Akatsuki members. As the dust settled, the sand shinobis expected the Akatsuki members to be injured but none of them had a single of blood spilled.

Though Hidan's Akatsuki cloak had a few tears, Kakuzu hair were burned due to the explosion and he had to abandon some of them which was negligible damage. The most damaged if something was Sasori's metal tail. It was now busted from several places and its movement wasn't as smooth as before. In the end, Sasori just detached the tail from his body.

"This was annoying...I didn't think blondie's attack would be backfired on us." Hidan said as he looked at his torn Akatsuki cloak.

Sasori looked around and said "That is not the main problem here. The wind that just blew was not some natural occurrence. It came from the gate of the hidden sand.

Kakuzu walked a few steps forward toward the sand shinobis and said "The only way to fish out the culprit of that wind jutsu is to attack the ones he saved."

Kankuro sensed that Kakuzu's chakra was getting riled up which meant he was going to attack now...He quickly brought 2 of his puppets in front of him and said "I'll handle this one...you keep and eye on the others. The one with the scythe seems like he will jump in soon enough."

Baki nodded and ordered some of the shinobis to assist Kankuro while the rest to spread out and surround Hidan and Sasori.

"Who are you? I have never heard of anyone use a power as bizzare as you." Kankuro said. He wanted to get the gist of what Kakuzu's power was. He had seen the dark-colored hair flow from his body and explode those clay balls but if Kankuro doesn't understand Kakuzu's power then he cannot counter and win it.

"I am Kakuzu...brats like you won't have heard about me and since this will be your last fight, you won't even need to hear more." Kakuzu said as he lunged toward Kankuro. Kankuro quickly blocked Kakuzu with one of his puppets. The puppets had 6 hands in total with 3 on each side. One hand tried to hold Kakuzu but he was too strong so another hand joined as well. With 4 of the hands busy in pushing Kakuzu back, the palms of the rest 2 hands opened and something flew out of it and hit Kakuzu's chest. The speed of the projectile was too fast for Kakuzu to even know what it was. He looked at his chest and saw that they were 2 oversized needles.

Kakuzu kicked the puppet on his chest creating some distance between the two. He then pulled out the 2 needles that were lodged in his chest. As he pulled them out, he saw that they had some yellow liquid on it.

Kankuro chuckled as he saw Kakuzu halt his attacks and said "Those needles contain a paralyzing agent. In a couple of seconds, you won't be able to even move. I guess the Akatsuki are feared for nothing."

Kakuzu looked at him with his green eyes and said "It's too early for brats like you to stop me. Even the 1st Hokage wasn't able to kill me."

(Will Kankuro be able to deal with Kakuzu? Or will he die trying? Ans to all your questions are posted in my P@treon)


To read 16 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

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