
Woman In My Dreams Has Reincarnated

Ember laid back on the grassy field, using Draven's arm as a pillow. This time she continued to look up at the sky which was painted with hues of different beautiful colors as the sun was going to set soon. 



"Is this the effect of the bond that we have fallen for each other," she asked.

"Do you feel that it is an effect of bond? he asked, staring at colourful sky.

She chuckled, "It's because I can't believe I can even feel such feelings. Till a month back, I didn't even know what it meant to love someone."

"It's not a bond, it's our own feelings," he replied, "Bond can only compel you to be closer to fulfill it but later it's you and your own feelings. What we feel for each other, is just us and not the bond."

"Really?" she said happily, "Good to know it because I am happy with what I feel for you. I don't want it to be the effect of bond. I want it to be real us and our feelings."

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