
Jie Ming's murder

"Master Jie Ming, you should go back and look into your death. If my suspicions are right, your death might have been a preplanned murder." 

Hua Tianshu immediately snapped out of his thoughts and although he was yet to recover from the pain and disappointment, he made sure to pay attention to what was being said. 

"You remember the man I talked about, right? The one who bought the twenty demonic beast souls from the Sect Master of Yu Sect? The one who had a scar running along the length of his arm." 

Hua Tianshu nodded his head. 

"He might have been related to Master Jie Ming's murder." 

Hua Tianshu's eyebrows furrowed together and he gulped as he pushed his own feelings aside and questioned, "What do you mean?" 

Jie Fu Lian was still not paying attention to the demonic beast king's words so he thoughtlessly nodded his head to everything that was said.

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