
Chapter 168. Dozed Off

Amon continued to poke around the veil that clouded his senses. He didn't know how long the process lasted. Every time he felt he had found a hole in the mental veil, it disappeared. It was always out of reach as if the veil was actively covering its defects.

Amon didn't give up. He could be as stubborn as the most single-minded person when he had a goal. If one way didn't work, he tried different methods. He had tried a hundred different mental approaches before he finally poked the right spot in the veil. He immediately clamped his thoughts there, not letting it go.

He focused his mind, trying to bore through the hole within the veil. He could feel the veil vibrate. It was fighting back. He then sensed wild aether wash over him. The energy was almost overwhelming. He felt he could drown if he didn't let go, but he didn't. He continued to hold on and forced his mind to bore through.

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