

Now that all the work related discussions were over, it was time to break into the food! Ofcourse, no doubt that was the most important thing to do there! 

Before starting, Ning Mei for the sake of politeness ans courtesy, stood up and bowed to Wang Zhiyuan and said, "Thank you so much, Director Wang. This means a lot to me. I will never ever forget your kindness and the help you did today. " 

Wang Zhiyuan laughed and gave away all his reserved behavior. He relaxed himself in his chair and waved his hands, "We are humans. And we all follow the give and take policy. I give you the role, you give me your best! " 

The two of them, Ning Mei and Yu Lian smiled and nodded. And the next moment, they all attacked the delicious, mouth watering food before them that seemed to call them towards it. 

But Wang Zhiyuan was left speechless when he saw that before his fork could even reach his lips, the two girls had already gobbled 1/4 th of their plates. 

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