
The Result (Ch.570)

Neveah sat on a bench in the courtyard, just a moment ago, she felt she was being suffocated, choked on her own breath if she did not step out of the Dune Castle to catch a breath,

The courtyard was the farthest Neveah had been able to go before her legs threatened to give out, hence she sat here, her hands by her sides on the wooden bench.

Neveah's gaze was faced downward, her feet were stained with mud and so were the tips of her loose satin breeches, and she shifted her feet slightly in the mud.

The garden was damp after the morning dew, she had walked through it with no shoes on and Neveah had not even taken note of that until now.

Rodvan's news had finally settled, Kaideon's whereabouts were unknown... his presence in Fort Blazed in itself was only an assumption, a conclusion chosen to avoid the possibility that...

"Scales..." Neveah murmured, shaking off her dark thoughts.

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