
Light and Fire (Ch.508)

Neveah awakened to quiet voices, they sounded far off in the distance and she could barely make out the words that were being said.

 At first, the voices were just murmurs, obscured by the haze of unconsciousness but as she gained more awareness to her environment, the words became more audible but Neveah still could not quite discern the voices behind them.

"That...is it what I think it was?" Came a question whispered in a hushed voice.

"You already know the answer to that." Was the blank response given.

"But... how is that even possible? How is this even possible? Any of it?" The first voice asked again, completely astonished.

This time, there was no response given and perhaps no response had been expected in the first place.

It took Neveah a moment to discern that these voices belonged to Cassian and King Jian.

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