
An Old Tale (Ch.308)

Adrienne bit down on her lip, the seer already knew so much about the history of the Fae, 

Whatever excuse she gave, Adrienne knew the seer would immediately be able to tell the lie.

But even so, Adrienne still could not bring herself to reveal the most closely protected secret of the Fae.

She could only reveal what was as close to the truth as possible and hope the seer would not be able to tell.

"The High Queen of the Fae owed a debt of life to High King Agardan, to repay this debt, she swore fealty to him and our kind have honored this vow ever since." Adrienne replied quietly.

The seer chuckled quietly, his quiet chuckle echoing through the cave.

"Finally, some true words." The seer said with a nod of approval.

"I have answered your question, now you should also answer mine." Adrienne said, relieved that the seer had not pushed any further.

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