
Chapter 69

Even with my sense of urgency triggered by the possibility of Lily being in a cage at that very moment, hurt as the own paper says, I still find it in myself to get angry at the looking anywhere but me rascal.

"… was it you?" 

"O-of course not." The few moments that I've seen him stutter is when I'm really angry at him, and it almost makes me think I forgot to put my veil on and he is under the full force of my gaze.

"…All clothes are dirty except this one… very convenient isn't it?" I say, looking at my white and blue robes from the Sect piled up on the ground in front of my room, all dirty and taken from my wardrobe except a single golden gifted one.

"…Very, very convenient." I stare him down behind my veil as he laughs nervously.

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