
Moving Shadows (III)

Eleventh-hour web show for all viewers interested in Virtual reality games.

We have a special announcement for our next show. It is all about the Real World quest: Alpha divisions. We will look specifically into some rare footage that stands out from the rest of the common individual quests. A complete real-life supernatural event that has been happening worldwide will blow you off your feet. By the end of this week, we will have a live broadcast around the eleventh hour at night. We will see you around that time.

Kiyro's curiosity piqued. He, too, wondered what they would say about the other quests that had some very unusual events that had been taking place. "Can you set up an alarm notification for that date? I would like to see it."

"Done. I'll take it further and bring up the video on display wherever you are near a T.V."

"Fine with me. But wait a second. What happened to the boy who was chanting in tongues?"

"Just like you, he succeeded. All the other footage I have shown you are the ones that have successfully completed it."

"Then what about the ones that have failed?"

"That is a bit difficult to explain. It seems that none have been recorded, or it has been deleted. All the other A.I.'s have been destroyed in the process." Sylph said with worry. He paced back and forth, deep in thought. Kiyro was a bit troubled about Sylph's statement.

"How?" Kiyro asked in a low gasp of surprise. He didn't expect to hear such an outcome.

"Someone got to the Alive gear first before it could be uploaded. Without the permission of the player, it can not be uploaded. The majority of them were wiped clean by a virus. This could spell trouble for the higher-ups."

"Ding!" A loud message alerted Kiyro.

"It seems you got a message from Demon Fox."

"Demon Fox? Demon Fox! Quickly pull that message up!" Kiyro sat bolt upright.

The message appeared in front of him.

To: Zero and One

It's been a long time. Has it been over three years? Times sure do fly. I have a client with a specific mission that needs to be completed. It is a Rank B class and in your area. For someone like you, it shouldn't be too difficult. The payment is $250 now, and the other $350 will be hand-delivered to you at a certain place. Send me a recording of this email. Once you accept this mission, the money will be deposited in the usual safe box that we have established in the next hour. Depending on your success, I'll possibly have more coming your way this week and more in the future.

The mission requires you to go to a certain location to get the rest of the details. If you agree to this mission, go to the location that will be sent to you after you close this message. The time limit to arrive at your destination is in three hours from now.

I know you can complete this perfectly, like how you always do. So I'm hoping you or your brother can complete this mission.

Demon Fox

"Demon Fox?" Sylph asked. He stretched his neck to read the rest of the message.

"My superior from Danketsu Ryu. He doesn't usually give out missions to people who have temporarily left the group. This must be important if he sent this message. I'm assuming there is a high chance that I would be meeting my brother. He should've gotten the same message a moment ago as well." Kiyro replied in excitement.

"Danketsu Ryu? Do you mean the Academy you have attended for your martial arts training?"

"Yes." Kiyro pulled the blanket off him and quickly changed into his clothes. A simple t-shirt that hugged his chest and black jeans.

"I'm assuming you're Zero, and One is your brother?" Sylph flew over to the desk.

"Yea. We fought over who will take Zero and who will take One. I won that one, and the nickname has stuck with me till today." Kiyro replied while putting one hand through the sleeves. "We need to go now." He said in a rush.

"So quickly? You have six hours."

"Kyle might get there earlier than me and try to duck out of meeting me. So it would be best if I get there as soon as possible before he does and wait on him. Send me the location of the spot." He said while stumbling over and putting on his black jeans.

"This is the only clue I have that could possibly lead me to my brother. I don't have time to dwaddle." Kiyro picked up the Alive gear and Bluetooth headphones in a rush. He jogged out, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket.

A message appeared before him, showing him the location. It was located at the train station at Five Points, where all the other train stops converged, allowing the passengers to go east, west, south, or north of their choices.

"This is going to take an hour to get there." However, Kiyro was anxious to get to the location as quickly as possible.

"The bus will be arriving in the next minute. There it is. It's pulling up," said Sylph. He landed on Kiyro's shoulder. "I'll go back into the Alive gear and talk with you through the Bluetooth earphones."

Kiyro turned on the headphones that were wrapped around his neck. Sylph disappeared and instead appeared in the lens of his Alive gear. He moved around, making it his home.

"I thought this would make you look less crazy. Having a talking bird flying next to you would be considered strange."

"Are you sure? Talking to myself would be considered mental."

"You are always like that. So it's alright."

"Whenever I am with you, you make me look mental." Kiyro rolled his eyes.

"Bus is here."

The bus stopped with a screech and opened its door. Kiyro quickly walked up the stairs and tapped his card against the machine. Then, he went to the closest seat and made himself comfortable.

"Time limit to the bus station is about thirty minutes," said Sylph. "Hopefully, your brother won't be there before we do?"

"I hope so. Wake me up when we get there." Kiyro folded his arms and leaned back. He leaned slightly to the side near the window, supporting his head.

"No problem. I'll wake you up with a blast." Sylph chuckled. "I know the perfect tune too."

Kiyro ignored him and took a light nap. He needed all the rest he could get.


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