
Questions and Answers

Alexander immediately headed to the Imperial Council Building to make a statement about the use of a nuclear weapon on the capital city of the United States.

The people of Ruthenian would surely demand an answer as to why he ordered such a call by dropping a bomb that kills tens of thousands in an instant. Some would view it inhumane and cruel, but this is a war against the Black Hand, the only way for the world to gain peace, which the Black Hand continuously disrupts, is to make your hands dirty as well. 

Twenty minutes later, Alexander arrived at the Imperial Council Building. A crowd of journalists surged around him, wanting to get a statement for themselves while their cameraman captured the moment.

Even when Rolan is not around, the Imperial Guards still do their job flawlessly, keeping the journalist away by moving in a formation that encircled the emperor, their hands linked tightly, acting like a chain that no people couldn't no hope of breaking in. 

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