
Every Decision Has a Consequence

St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire. At the Winter Palace. 

Alexander was on the call with someone on the telephone.

"Your Majesty, we have good news. The Navstar satellites that we have been working on since you proposed it is good for launch this April. There will be a total of five satellite launches in that month all across our spaceports." 

"Hoh?" Alexander sang, "That's good then. I've been waiting for the report about the development of Navstar. Not to mention, five satellites! That's an incredible number, I'm assuming that you and your team have been working hard perfecting the craft." 

"Yes, Your Majesty. Our team has been working tirelessly to make your vision in space be realized. But Your Majesty, if I may ask, we need 24 satellites orbiting the earth to make full use of the global positioning system capabilities to be utilized by our military, is five satellites going to make a difference in the field of navigation?" Wegener raised a question.

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