
Meeting with the Potential Customer

Just what Sevastian had told him earlier, the Chilean Government did intend to buy a warship from them.

Alexander bit his lip as he interlaced his hand and leaned forward. He looked Emilio straight in the eyes before speaking. 

"Sir Emilio, why did you decide to buy a warship from us? Is the Britannia Empire's warship not suit your taste?"

"The reason is simple really," Emilio fixed his tie as he cleared his throat. "We've been observing countries with the most advanced warships in the world. Your country was once at the bottom of our list as you relied heavily on the Deutschland Empire's engineering parts and the Francois Republic and Britannia Empire to teach your sailors' naval knowledge and strategies. So you can see where I'm going here. Your country isn't the best when it comes to navy," Emilio smiled at him apologetically and Alexander only nodded in return. 

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