
Closure and Merchant Ship

The moment the helicopter was cleared, leaving only two of them, the silence between them lasted for a while as both felt awkward about what they are going to discuss. With some hesitation, Alexander began.

"You must be wondering about why I wanted to talk to you alone," Alexander said, his legs close together, hands on his knees, and his eyes wandered to her feet, trying not to stare her in the face. 

"I apologize, I don't have any idea, Your Majesty," Elaina said, trying not to appear as tense as she felt. 

Yet she knew what he is thinking about.

Nervousness impending both from speaking about the elephant in the room.

Alexander stalls for time by reaching into his pocket for a cigarette case, opening up the metal container that contains the paper tubes of tobacco and a lighter.

"Do you smoke?", Alexander asks as he offers her the smokes.

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