
Mishap & Fourth Dream's Tragedy

Moon's Core, Gehenna's Unknown Subterranean Region

Inside a fourth rock chamber, Vaan and Solana snuggled together after finishing an intense session of dual practice.

The pinkish scent of their lovemaking still permeated the air, mixing with the thick concentration of pure mana gathered inside the rock chamber. Evidently, the intimate session had ended only moments ago.

Despite Solana's sweat-soaked body and heavy breathing, she did not seem exhausted from the rough play with Vaan. On the contrary, she was brimming with energy and vigor, as shown in her glossy skin and radiant eyes.

"Congratulations on achieving Half-step Transcendent, Solana. Since you managed to reach this step, Transcendence is just around the corner," Vaan said with a smile.

Just as he anticipated, Solana became a Half-step Transcendent Witch after they dual-practiced.

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