A second round of painful wails resounded as Emperor Varan mercilessly butchered the Delarosan Shamans in the vanguard with several more sword waves.
The barrier-type totem powers simply could not withstand the tyrannical and sharp force of Emperor Varan's sword waves. As a result, three dozen of Delarosan Shamans were decimated in an instant.
The power of the barrier-type totems was, no doubt, strong. But unfortunately for the Delarosas, Emperor Varan was stronger!
The difference between them was no different from rats and a lion.
There was simply no competition.
"Retreat to the inner courtyard! We're no match for him!" Matriarch Laelana cried as she tried to conserve whatever forces she left from the slaughterer.
With their defenses breached and Emperor Varan personally taking action, they had no hopes of claiming victory. They could only retreat to the inner courtyard and hide behind their inner walls.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: