Although the dragon lord felt embarrassed to talk about their red dragon tribe's predicament, he did promise to do his best to answer their questions.
Thus, after gathering his thoughts and emotions, the dragon lord soon explained.
"It should be common knowledge by now, but this world is different from Chaos. If this world is considered the material dimension, then Chaos would be the spirit dimension. They are two different planes of existence."
"Although Chaos has higher level beings, the material dimension is considered the higher dimension due to its stability. And by stability, this Lord means the world's ability to resist change caused by lifeforms inhabiting it. You can also say that the material world is governed by stronger universal laws compared to Chaos."
"Thus, it's very resistant to human changes. For example, humans couldn't control the world's elements with magic before Gehenna's arrival, right?" Lord Narvim casually asked.
Everyone nodded.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: