
647 Behemoths Are Advancing

The air shrieked a complaint as the massive blade in the right hand of Cleansing Light was forced in a nearly supersonic arc, bisecting a Ripper and taking the arm off of a second, who had only just barely dodged back fast enough to avoid the same fate. 


Max didn't hesitate and followed up with an upward strike and a rapid shift of his feet to give Cleansing Light the mobility to bring the blade back down on the head of a Ripper attempting to bypass him. 


The lasers cleared the smaller attackers from his vicinity as the mighty blade cut through the Rippers, keeping their brutally serrated claws away from his light Mecha units. 


For the sake of simplicity, Max had chosen the First Battalion to attach himself to, and they were already beginning to spread out to increase the size of their defensive line. 


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