
I just want to be normal

Aiden dropped to the ground. The strange least that he had been obsessed with finding turned out to be his father. The news was shocking. 

To see his father in person was not something that he thought was possible. Up until he came to Nerider, he didn't even know if it was possible for him to have had a father. 

But he did, the man was no ordinary being. He was a beast that wasn't affected by weapons made of the essence of the moon. 

He came and went mysteriously getting to wonder what could have happened between him and his mother. 

The man spoke as though he wasn't sure the moon goddess would would ever let them meet. Which proved his theory of the two of them possibly having a fall out. 

Aiden laid his head back on the ground and looked that clouds of the sky. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest with worry. His mother wasn't around to answer his questions and he didn't even a clear view of the man claiming to be his father.

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