
- The Firstborn

"Gus Braye. We have expected you."

As he heard the voice, the level of light within the hall suddenly increased, clearly illuminating everything in the hall. The creature before him was like a human sized slug, similar to how the creatures had been described to him by Kaya. It was big, and could easily be compared to something a little bigger than a human.

There were many more of the creatures in the room, but they were far smaller than the one in front of him was, and they were found all over the different surfaces of the inside of the building.

"Where's that voice coming from?" Gus said out loud. "Who's there?"

"What voice?" the others asked, looking at Gus as though he was insane.

"The voice is merely in your mind," the voice spoke again. "It comes from the being before you. Please, put your weapon away, lest the Guardians of this temple strike you in accordance with their duty."

'From the being in front of me? How?' he thought.

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