
- Repeater's Rise to Fame

"While it's not quite my jurisdiction as your equipment teacher, I feel like it is a little important for me to tell you a bit of history regarding the Mount Repeater," Jet said, as he began weaving a path through the tables in the classroom. "So, I'm sure you are all at least familiar with the Martian uprising, towards the start of humanity's adventure through the stars..."

The definitive moment of the MT-11 Repeater was the uprising of Mars.

When it was taken by humanity, Mars was originally planned to be used as a shipyard. While it has since expanded out to form more of a general industrial world, with areas dedicated to mining, management, and factory work, it was initially little more than a planet sized factory. The overall layout was somewhat like a conveyor. Clusters of buildings formed individual factories, each specialising in the creation of a specific part of a greater whole in a component of a space faring vessel. For example, an entire factory cluster would be dedicated to making the barrels of a cannon mounted onto a spaceship, barrels which would then be sent to a different factory in order to be added to the whole of the cannon.

As he explained the old clusters, diagrams and sketches of the wide, tall groups of buildings that composed the old factories lit up the tables, originating from the small projector in the centre.

For the most part, the people on Mars were content with their role in the machine of human expansion across the stars. After all, many of them were responsible for the creation of the first colonies on the planet. There was a small group who were dissatisfied with their role, however.

Decades after the genesis of the planetary factory, when the youngest of the original colonists were now among the oldest of people on the planet, a small political movement, popularised by the youngest generation, began to gain attention. Their message was a simple one, yet was a fair message to spread.

The Martian Front was an organisation established to argue for the rights of the Martian people to not live under the rule of Earthen people. Most people, regardless of age, dismissed their ideas and judged them to be little more than political extremists. However they gained support int he youngest generation, who felt it was unfair to dedicate their lives to another's goals, even when those goals were for the benefit of all humanity, including themselves.

One night, after an irregularly strong popularity rating in the region of Mars in which the incident occurred, the Front made their move. Members stayed late in work under the guise of working overtime, when in reality they were preparing for the next day. Shipments of cheaply made improvised weapons and explosives were smuggled in through the night, at which point the insurgents planted the explosives around the large building cluster they worked in.

At the break of dawn, they hijacked radio signals and television broadcasting stations on Earth, Mars, and Venus and began to broadcast their message to others. A message which said one thing in many words, while showing strength with their capture of the building cluster: We want the right to choose the future of Mars, with or without Earth. It was a justifiable request, and one that could have garnered a lot of support if it was published correctly, on Mars as well as the other planets. In total, there were a couple of hundred people in the factory, taking a stand against an Earth they deemed evil and immoral.

However, the orchestrators of the plan missed one crucial detail.

In order to maximise efficiency with work in factories where the overall work was not deemed too dangerous, families with workers in said factories would often live in nearby housing blocks or, in circumstances where the workers were too poor, in housing extensions to the building cluster of the factory itself. By threatening the plant with explosives, the Martian Front had inadvertently threatened the very people it had hoped to offer their idea of freedom to, including the families of the people carrying out the attack.

With the reveal of this fact to the wider human population, scattered across the various planets of the system, any hope of generating extra support for the Martian Front was lost, as was the fringe support from those who were not yet convinced. In fact, the Front witnessed an exodus of a lot of the people who would have once counted themselves among the people of the Front.

While the court of public opinion worked to cast judgement onto the political organisation, the Central Human Government, an initial government that ruled at the start of humanity's expansion that was little but a shell of the current government, also felt the need to cast judgement.

An elite special forces team was deployed from their base in the Caribbean sea on Earth, armed with the new generation of MT Repeaters.

They breached the sealed entrances of the factory with ease and quickly swept through the base.

Since they worked in a factory handling high temperatures and dangerous tools, the workers were clothed in protective materials, designed to be tough and heat resistance. Despite this, their bodies were torn apart by the impacts of the energy powered shots that spat forth from the mouths of the eleventh generation. Conversely, their improvised weaponry, cobbled together by untrained hands using stolen materials designed for a completely different purpose were entirely ineffective.

By the time the Earthen day was done, the special forces team that had been deployed were back on Earth, with the factory having been safely reclaimed from what were now considered terrorists. No explosives had detonated, and all of the civilians who had been put into danger were saved, The team themselves were also fine, with the worst injury they had received being a small scratch one of them had picked up on accident in an incident unrelated to the mission.

After the mission, thanks to the testimony of the soldiers who claimed their weapons allowed them to succeed, the Mount Repeater became very well known, and was quickly purchased en masse by both the military and individuals who hoped to expand human space.

As for the Martian Front, they disappeared. All members involved in the attack were killed, and the political faces of the group were found dead days later. Despite multiple blunt wounds, their deaths were ruled an accident with no investigation being done into the matter.

"This day is widely considered one of the greatest in human history," Jet said. "The trademark of humanity's forces was born, and the aftermath of the success of the Repeater led to an entirely new market. The modding market."

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