
Poisonous and cutting (6)

"Qiao Kang, how dare you lie!" Yin gnashed his jaw. "Even you are betraying me-"

"Come out of your fucking delusion, Yin!" He finally snapped. "You are the one who screwed it all up and now you are acting as if you are in some lala land to not see what is happening right in front of you! Wake up already! I cannot clean up your mess any longer!"

It was that moment which rained down upon him like the harsh realization of reality. Everything was out and clear as daylight as if the rays left no scope to hide in the darkness any longer.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the outline of Chyou's figure, but he didn't dare to look at her. He didn't dare to look at what expression her face now held.

What…what should I do-

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