
There in any world you go to

Madara watched as the Minotaur fell. He smiled, that had really been fun, now he really wanted to see just how deep this Dungeon would go.

He sighed and disappeared in a burst of wind and smoke. Madara needed a better fight, those minotaur were not enough, he needed to feel his blood in his ears, the wind brushing his hair as he ran full speed ahead, right into combat.

If he needed to get to the belly of this planet to do that, so be it, this was all he had now. Just his Chakra and his training, once he reached the end of this dungeon, he really would be lost, but for now, this is all he has.

His depressing thoughts were interrupted by a dragon swooping towards him. Madara touched the ground for a moment and was able to completely shift his momentum to where he could easily send a first towards the dragons face, but he was pleasantly surprised as the dragon flew upwards barley dodging his strike.

He looked over his shoulder to see the dragon opening its mouth, it didn't have time to do anything before a foot made its way through its mouth all the way out the back of its skull. Madara sighed, he wished these dragons would group up like the minotaur's from earlier, when there alone like this it's simply to easy to kill them. He touched down to the ground and clenched his fist.

He had learned quickly in this world that 'mind' as the natives call it was not simply yin chakra, it was a whole entire different energy that was only natural to Falna users and elves, but he had somehow gained it naturally.

This allowed him to mix chakra and mind together, which for now was only working for body reinforcement, but with his already Senju and chakra enhanced body, it made him almost as strong as that Naruto gaki from the war. The Falna also made his potential higher than anything he had ever seen, it was like it had compounded his power to do everything.

With the gaki being a jinchuriki and all, it was surprising for him to realize that he was that strong. But right now, it only served to annoy him, even being 16 years old and it being his first time in the dungeon he was still bored.

It was obvious to the Uchiha that he needed to tread deeper, but he was only able to sneak the map that held up to level 16 from that wolf women, she was always on high alert for some reason.

Madara was able to just blitz his way towards level 18, simply running everywhere and killing anything untill he saw a staircase but finally he reached Riviera, where he could buy another map.

He walked through the bright city and stopped in front of a random store and walked in.

A human woman, with long curly brown hair stood behind the corner, he didn't even look at her, trying to signal he really did not want to talk to her.

Thankfully she did not, and he was able to buy a map to the 36th floor. She raised an eyebrow; he knew he was young, but he couldn't care less what the women thought.

He thanked her an walked out, the women now staring widely at his back as he had simply dropped 3 minotaur magic crystals out of nowhere and walked out.

The women would than proceed to pull something out her pocket, unknowingly sending her best employees to a death trap.


Madara was making his way towards the 20th floor, already getting bored with the 19th when felt something, there were 3 very strong 'mind' presences. They also seemed hostile.

The bored expression turned into a grin; he spun around just in time to deflect a sword making its way towards his neck.

"Good reflexes for a runt but your gonna need a lot more to stop me, I'm a lev- "Madaras sandal was firmly planted into the man's stomach. Spital flew out of the man's mouth while Madara jumped up and spun, kicking the man in the temple and sending him into the nearest wall. He screamed out in pain.

The 2 men behind a couple of rocks in front of the fight were extremely startled, there contact had told them that there was a naïve kid with too many magic stones traveling alone.

Even if he earned those magic stones, he wouldn't be able to beat the 3 of them, they had thought, but what they had just seen was definitely pointing towards the contrary.

They didn't have enough time to finish these thoughts as they felt there heads be grasped by soft hands and extreme pain moments later, than nothing.

Madara had grabbed one and than the other before they could even realize what was happening and slammed there heads together.

The 2 men fell to the ground, both of there foreheads were collapsed inwards, there skulls intruding into there brains ending there lives. Madara sighed as he looked at the 2 men, there presence was full of death and envy. This life would be different but he guessed not to different.

He walked forwards to see the dungeon already consuming the man he had kicked earlier, it looked like he was impaled by a jagged rock while flying through the air. Madara shook his head, it was either they die here of he knocks them out and they die to monsters.

Or they survive and keep going with there murdering and plundering ways, maybe if it was him a few months ago he would have tried to stop the corrupt from running this city but honestly, he was an old soul, he had already tried that before, what if he'd just get manipulated once more.

'Gah, this is supposed to be me just throttling monsters, not having deep introspection, last time I did this it did not pan out in the worlds favor'. He shook is head and walked further into the dungeon.


His Chakra circulated across his body, purging any foreign substances that would have made him weak.

His eyes roamed the 23rd floor and couldn't not be surprised by its beauty. Long green tree trucks surrounded the almost valley like structure.

He walked with his hands in his pockets wondering what could possibly had created this place.

Was it another God? Could it be that they had gotten so bored they wanted to destroy the world?

Sounds like something they would do. The pessimism continued to surround itself around Madara before he twisted his body to the left dodging a large stinger.

He than jumped upwards dodging another while swinging his foot forwards, catching a charging hornet in the side, killing it instantly.

Madara sighed and vanished from sight. 10 seconds later 12 hornets were on the ground, dead.

He looked into his storage scroll where he had packed 3 days worth of food and water and this time, the sign lasted much longer.

He turned around and trudged back to the surface.

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