
Chapter 363: The Enthusiastic High Energy Physics Institute

To describe energy from a macroscopic perspective may result in an inability to accurately write out energy values.

For instance, energy value could be 1.2345643289...

This is an infinitely non-recurring decimal, an irrational number — a completely illogical figure.

The microscopic realm is different.

In theoretical physics, many theories involve the concept of 'energy levels', which represents basic units of energy. The most typical instance is String Theory, where the 'string' serves as the fundamental unit.

Strings are what constitute everything in the world.

Under the premise of having 'basic energy units', energy values can only be natural numbers.

For example, five units, five hundred thousand energy units, one hundred million energy units.

And so on.

"Constructing particles with energy units would give precise energy values that avoid decimals."

"Differing energy values can define distinct prime number sequences…"

For instance, 5.

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