

Chapter ten

Jessica blood is laced with three components of fighting organism.

This was done to her while she was trying to fight the special disease that almost took her life.

These treatments are meant to renew her energy by 50% thereby recreating the cells at a faster rate of 69%.

And during the recreation, the cells are splitted. The bad cells are crushed and the new cells are enchaned in forming the new ones

The main purpose of the virus was to make the cells impenetrable to diseases...strength~

When the new vaccine enters Jessica's blood, the already recreating tissue in her blood started work. Instead of the virus to conquer the fighting cells, Jessica fighting cells eliminated the dangerous substance in the virus and recreated new cells with the good ones.

Since the recreation with this new vaccine, Jessica strength went higher with 30% and she also increased in brain function.

So, when the new vaccine went into her body, it gave her another uprise in her strength by another 30%

The more the vaccine enters her body, the more strength and intelligence she receives cos the tissue seems to adapt to the new DNA of the virsu

Jessica have eight marks so far, so she has been increased in strength to be a full body builder man...

Jessica jumps up, a bit startled by her action, kicks a zombie and jumps on another, breaking his neck.

She shoot at the three zombies before her and race out through the opened door.

The first thing she sees is a group of zombies clustered together.

Why would they be?? They wouldn't have been so together if they didn't see a host.

She move nearer, shooting the zombies to pave way for her to see what they were looking at.

When she shot eight zombies down, she saw Max

What! Max!!

Wait a second, that must be the evil Max that had kept her hostage

Bastard! He should die

Jessica hiss and start to walk out of the compound but stops suddenly to look at John

'jessica, save Max! 'John scream faraway with tears rolling down his eyes

Jessica whirl around quickly, adrenaline increasing. God, God, he was her Max! He was her Max

She runs forward quickly, pull a zombie back with her right hand. The others snarl and look her way. She kick one by the head and sent it reeling back. She punch another and snap it's head back.

A gunshot!

Another gunshot!

Jessica looks back briefly at John.

What kind of a child is this!!!

She rolls down beneath the remaining zombies and kick them off their feets.

She hurries over to Max and look over him

One, two, three, four.... Four Marks!!

The tears falls uncontrollably down her face

God! She can't believe it. She can't believe She had failed him

She took him off his feet at once and rested him on her back. Startled for a while at how easy that feels, she looks back at John, 'Follow me! 'she screams and waited for John to join her before they both hurry back into the building

Jessica rushes into a nearby room with John. The syringe was still with her.

'Max is going to die right? ',John asks as he stare down at Max,'Mary is going to be an orphan if he dies'

Jessica looks at John, eyes swollen and reddish ,'i will not let him die'

She brings out the syringe with her and drain some of her blood.

'Hey,hold his arm there,'she instructed and John complied. Jessica carefully inject the blood into his bloodstream.

She drain some of her blood again and inject it into Max's bloodstream

'it has to work now'

Max coughs suddenly alerting them and Jessica's smile widen,'Max....'she called and he opens his eyes slowly. A cute smile at the tip of his mouth

John smile

Jessica could feel the butterfly rising up in her

She doesn't even know what would happen to her if Max dies as a result of the mistake she made.

'Hes really awake,'John says happily,childlike

Just then,he started hiccupping. And almost immediately,he started gasping for air

'Whats happening?'Max says fearfully but all Jessica could do was watch helplessly. Her head went blank totally

What could be happening???

Max should be getting ok

What happened

The other Max said her blood has a healing substance. It should be able to save Max from the virus

Then he stops suddenly and went rigid

'Whats wrong!'John scream again and that was when Jessica bend to check his heartbeat

Nothing! No beat! Nothing

Max is gone

What the....

'what! No!'John cries

Jessica could not stop the tears rolling down her eyes.

They stood like that for what seems like an eternity, although it was only few minutes judging with the mundane world

'i have to go somewhere, 'Jessica announce suddenly and look at John, 'Promise me you will stay here till am back'

John nod slowly, tears still rolling down his eyes in a cascading order

'Here, 'Jessica stretch out a revolver, 'Protect yourself till am back, 'she says and stand, blinking away the tears that was about to seep from under her eyes lashes. She wouldn't cry,she would avenge his death instead.

If the other Max hasn't taken her,they might have been in SHALERA already

She was almost at the door when John stands and runs after her. Stopping by the door,he held unto her right hand from behind,'Where are you going?'

Jessica sigh,'im going to kill one stupid man like that. The one that caused Max's death'

John sniff,'Take me with you then. I want to shoot him too for making Mary an orphan,'John plead

Jessica would have laugh if not for the pending issue at hand. Instead,she sigh and whirl to look at him,'its too dangerous. I know you want to avenge his death but it could lead to your death as well. And I may not be able to protect you. If you stay here. You can protect yourself till am back'

John sigh and let go.

Jessica smile and pull his cheek slightly before walking away


'Wait a second, where's John, 'Steven asks suddenly as his gaze search around for him

Everyone look at one another at once,also noticing the obvious.

Mary look up at the woman she has already started seeing as her grandmother. The woman sigh and close her eyes,very much frustrated

'How did the kid disappear from here? 'everyone was still wondering until Mary scream suddenly and points toward the window frame

Everyone follows the path of her gaze and found the zombies walking towards them from afar.

There's a car riding before them. And it seems the zombies were only following the car seeing that a host is in the car

'What do we do! 'a man scream fearfully

'Max is not here, 'Steven shutter helplessly

'We have to forget Max and save ourselves now! Snap out of it! 'charles scream authoritatively

Steven thought for a while,'The building! We have to go back in. It's the only save place now! 'Steven says and everyone quickly take a gun

'We have to leave now if we must save ourselves, 'a lady reminded before opening the door and running out.

Everyone follows.

The zombies at the front of the building rushes at them. They jump at one and devour her.

A lady scream and shoot at the zombies attacking one of them. Meanwhile, a zombie was walking toward her from behind.

The zombie pull her down and bit her

Everyone scamper, trying to save each other

Who will live?

Who will die?

Mary scream as Steven shoot at the zombie beside her. The woman walk her closely beside Steven as Steven tries to fire the shot at once at the zombies coming at them.

For some minutes, it seems the zombies had multiplied.

He looks around quickly at the others

A zombie biting one

More zombies jumping at one

One shooting and screaming

God, they are really all going to die at this stage

Steven's heart bleed within as he continues to shoot the zombies forgetting for a minute that Mary and the old woman was beside him

A zombie was coming Mary's way, seeing this... The old woman came before Mary and the zombie jumps on her, biting her and pulling her away to others

'No! 'Mary screams sadly and rushes forward to help the old woman.

Meanwhile, another zombie was coming behind her, unknown to her

She sobs and scream as the woman was pulled away


Mary whirl around to look at John

'Come here! 'he scream and Mary runs forward. Whenever a zombie tries to move closer, John would shoot them down

Steven also runs toward him as well as three more people left. Together, they enter the room Jessica told John to stay in

'Where did you go to? 'Mary was still skeptical

'i came to meet Jessica but she told me to stay here, 'John explain then looks behind them for his grandma, 'Wheres grandma? '

Mary starts sobbing again

Steven move closer, 'Im very sorry kid'

John scream and rushes toward the door to open it. Steven step forward and pull him back, 'John! 'he called but John struggles to free himself instead, 'John! 'he scream and John relent slowly, sobbing,'Your grandma is dead already. And everyone have lost people ok? If you open that door,we are all going to die!'he speaks harshly and let go

John collapse on the cold floor and sobs harder.

'we have to think of what to do! We have to think of a way out,'steven speaks while the three people sigh.

Bobby,Charles, Tina,Mary,John and Steven were the only survivors in the room. No one even know if Jessica still lives

'Where did Jessica said she was going? 'steven was the first to speak after a long minutes of silence.

John looks up, face reddish and swollen, 'She didn't say anything. She just left me with Max, 'he swallow hard on the large lump on his throat and look away again

'And where's Max? We need to take care of him before he turns, 'charles says urgently

'Max is dead! 'John sobs harder, Mary was already crying again, 'But he was.... 'he turns back and stops suddenly, his eyes went wider, 'He was here before I went out, 'John says with huge surprise

Bobby looks at Stephen, 'He must have turned and walk out of the room'



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