
Party Preperations.

Once Kurayami finished all of his secondary goals he went to the only place that he teleported to the Underworld to meet with his parents. He appeared in front of their house in a single step. Out of all his familiars, the only one that stayed was Xargomoth as the Demon had nothing to gain from exploring an inferior world.

As for Shin he also took around with Kurayami as he felt the best when he was close to his master. Titus the giant Hellhound seemed even larger these days as he towered over the house. When he saw it was Kurayaymi he shrunk to a small size and ran into his arms.


Kurayami did not have to knock for Shuri and Baraqiel to walk out the door. Shuri was connected to Titus so she could get some connection to him and when she saw her son was back she rushed out. When they saw Kurayami they both rushed at him and got him in a tight hug.

When both his parents hugged him the only thing he could do was hug them back. The worst off was Shuri as when she heard what kind of battle he was in and how he vanished after shocked her. She thought he and maybe even Akeno had died.

She came out of the house as this was the first place she went. She realized that she had not seen her parents in a while after the battle with Satanael. It had been close to 6 months for her, but they went 2 months with no contact after a calamity like Satanael.

She had a frown on her face as she realized she should have said something. However, when it came to her strength she felt forced to forsake those aspects of her life. She did not realize when her strength came to matter so much to her that it became one of the most important parts of herself.

"Brother, we should have stopped by first."

Shuri and Baraqiel felt that was an understatement. Shuri had it worse as their mother. She felt both her first children had died outside of her reach. For the last 2 months she had been worried sick as none of Kurayami's friends knew of what happened to him.

"You got that right. After the battle, you just vanished wiht out a trace. Next thing we know, Akeno comes back to tell us that she returned."

Akeno looked bitter.

"She was happy for exactly 30 seconds before she got mad. She screamed at me for coming back as if nothing had happened."

Shuri wiped her tears away as it was all true.

"Akeno gave me the run down, but what did you do in these 6 months. She feels like a totally different person."

Kurayami glanced at his sister asking with his eyes if she said anything about his 'situation.' She shook her head as that his secret to tell and he was not ready to tell it. Baraqiel looked at both his children as they felt magnitude stronger than before.

"For real. Kurayami fights a world-ending battle and then you vanish for 2 months. Say 6 months passed for you and that you are training to go to Hell."

Shuri now looked far more miffed.

"Kurayami, Akeneo, what kind of crazy plan to do you have to go to such a dangerous place. For what?"

Kurayami answered that question.

"Satanael's master is far beyond my understanding. If he so much enters our universe, probably the laws of reality will collapse. I can't tell you what he is only that he is far too dangerous to be left alone. As I am now, I would not even be a molecule. I can't accept that."

Shuri and Baraqiel did not know what to take from that answer so Shuri asked the question that mattered.

"How long will you be gone?"

Xargomoth as a resident of Hell answered that question.

'While to the master it might seem like centuries could pass, in reality, it would only be at most a few hours to you. That is what makes Hell so terrifying. It is beyond time and space and why some weak demons escape when they can't keep up.'

When Shuri, Baraqiel, and Akeno heard that they looked at Kurayami waiting for answers. Akeno thought they were only going to stay for 2 years maybe a little longer. She did not know Kurayai intended to stay far longer.

"It's true that is part of it. I intend to stay in Hell myself maybe a few decades, but I did not intend to trap you with me in Hell Akeno."

She sighed when she heard his words.

"If you just told us we would have stayed behind with you. You need to stop doing everything yourself."

As for his parents, they were even more confused. Shuri looked at both her children as if they had broken reason.

"Hell. You fully intend to the place famed for where all of the damned and who knows what more is sent. I know my warnings will not change your minds, but think of your safety. Be careful."

Baraqiel sighed as he patted Kurayami on the shoulder.

"You have always done things on your own level. Honestly, the best that I can offer you is to wish you luck."

Kurayami hugged his father as it was his power that had given him some of his best weapons.

"You have no idea how useful your lightning has been for me. Without it, I would be down several trump cards of mine. Do not question your self-worth for a second."

Kurayami let go as he decided to tell the good news.

"Well now that the depressing stuff is out of the way, I wanted to tell you some good news. Unless Akeno told you already."

"I didn't if you are wondering. I just came to tell them what we did in the last 6 months. The stage is your brother."

Both Baraqiel and Shuri looked at Kurayami with expectation.

"You two are going to be grandparents. Not soon, but Kuroka and Zesshi are pregnant."

Baraqiel knew who she was, but had no actual interaction with her. As for Shuri, she was even more in the blind.

"Who is Zesshi?"

Kurayami sighed as he wished she was here.

"To make the long story short we invaded another world. She was one of the people who I got curious about as she challenged Tyrant in a one-on-one fight despite having zero chance of victory. She is a half-elf."

Shuri covered her face in her arms as she had not been informed about the invasion. Baraqiel knew about it and even took place in it in passing. She glanced at Baraqiel who started to shiver.

"When you said you were going to Grigori is that what you meant? Invading another world?"

He smiled as he tried to make his wife a bit less mad.

"If it makes you feel any better we have some allies who helped us in the process. Some even submitted willingly and are better off for it."

Shuri frowned even more.

"It does not. Who's idea was the invasion?"

Kurayami crossed his arms.

"It was a vote. Most of the higher-ups of the alliance all agreed to it. I also need to warn you that Earth is going to change very soon for the better. Nothing can stop it as it has already started. The battle with Satanael spread highly concentrated mana in all places.

You have noticed it right?"

Shuri frowned as it was impossible not to. The Underworld was safe from damage, but it was connected to the Earth through gates. The mana had leaked down here and had started causing trouble.

"Is that the reason things are seemingly more dangerous?"

Akeno nodded as she stood next to Kurayami.

"Ophis Atlas, Satanael, and Kurayami all fought on Earth for an extended period of time. They even fought in space and that caused gigantic mana spikes around and on Earth. Nothing can fix that Great Red, Ophis, and Kurayami all used gigantic amounts of mana to turn back time.

That involves mana and that has fused into the very Earth. For now, Azazel is going to prepare a party for the celebration of Kuroka and Zesshi's pregnancies. They won't give birth for a few years though."

Shuri was confused.

"I get the party, but why will they not be born."

Kurayami had that answered.

"I isolated the babies' soul in a space and time barrier that used my full power as a Dragon God. That way their souls will form and still be safe from outside influence. Also, it would have been bad if they gave birth with how weak they were. I am a Fallen Dragon God.

Not just any being can carry my offspring. They would die otherwise."

Hearing that made both Shuri and Baraiel worried, but seeing how Kurayami was not worried they didn't either. He started to walk inside as he wanted to recollect some of the events that had to happen.

"Some storytelling is in order. What we did with the parts you don't want to know omitted."

They were confused but realized it later. They frowned as they went inside to listen to his story.


Kurayami explained the training they had undertaken while not bringing up the sex. He went into detail about all of his fiances' new unique paths to power. When they heard that Akeno had carved new magic to her own bones was shocking.

She even made them glow which was still visible under her skin. They covered each and every one of her bones from her skull, to each of her fingers. They looked to be part of the bones as they kind of were.

She still needed to make them her own which would happen during her next Sublimation. The lucky part was that she would not be turning into a Dragon God as her runes took away that power of his blood.

Se wanted it only for its conductivity and the fact he was related to her. It was the material that would have the least chance of rejection. Following this Kurayami left to meet up with Yasaka and Kunou. When he appeared in their home only Yasaka was waiting.

She had dressed in a purple Kimono which was much more skimpy than normal.


He sat on the couch as his two Sword Spirits and pet demon had returned to his soul. She smiled and sat on his lap while facing him.

"Kunou is asleep you know."

She hugged his head pushing it into her chest. He took a deep breath as he could smell her natural scent.

"I want you and Kunou to live with me. You might not be interested in leaving Kyuto-"

"Of course."

He squinted his eyes at her.

"You are being hasty. You know what that means."

She smiled as she rested her chin on his head.

"You do not understand irrational dependence. I need you, no I can't live without you."

Kurayami glanced into her eyes and saw just how deep the trauma of dying was. He had died once and in a terrible way, but death was different for him. He was Death's son so he had some resistance to dying. For normal beings outside of fantasy, death was cold and terrifying.

He picked up Yasaka and pushed them into her room. If she was afraid he would just give her something better than fear. Like normal he set up a time and sound barrier and he showed Yasaka just how good he had gotten.

She lasted 5 hours under him before she passed out.


After he officially added Yasaka to his family she left Kyoto which actually had lost its Ley Lines in the battle. It seems when he crashed in the middle of it, he broke them. There was no reason to stay if the Ley Lines did not exist anymore.

She and Kunou moved in with him after she recovered. She limped for a bit as her legs were numb and her voice went mute. Following this, the rest of the girls all returned home after they settled any family or friend invitations.

When they saw Kunou and Yasaka they were confused. Nyx looked at Kunou who had her head on Kurayami's lap.

"Hey, when did you bag a 9-tailed fox?"

The rest of the girls were also curious. Kurayami glanced at Yasaka for her to explain.

"Well, when I died he, Ophis, and Great Red moved time back and brought me back I kind of felt pure horror. When Kurayami brought me my daughter I felt hooked. It's not loving, but dependence. Sorry if I am a terrible person."

Walburga shrugged.

"So what. I am completely unable to feel love, no joke. I don't even love master as I just can't. That does not mean I don't care for him. Still, I wish you would have stayed dead."

Yasaka smiled at her words.

"Thank you for your honesty."

Walburga nodded.

"You're welcome."

Kurayami already knew she did not love him. What he had for Walburga was not love either, but domination. Unlike most of his fiances, she was his slave. He owned her, but he cared for her just like the others.

Their relationship was weird to describe honestly. Kurayami sighed.

"So complicated, but not wrong. Glad you can be honest Walburga."

"Of course, you are my master and owner. Your little slave-"

He shook his head.

"Not in front of a child."

Kuromi shook her head as she sat on the couch. She no longer dressed in her armor as she did not wear it all the time. She wore a pair of pants and a regular shirt under her hoodie.

"Dad, your family is odd."

Kurayami snorted.

"Isn't that an understatement? So who did you all invite to the party."

Artemis seemed a little happier than normal. At the same time, she was still embarrassed by the talk she had with her hunters.

"My mother Leto is going. I also invited my dad which he accepted. Only that Hera is also coming."

Kurayami was fine wiht that.

"As long as they behave I don't mind. What did your hunters say?"

Artemis covered her face as Amaterasu filled him in while she played with her own hair.

"Well Zoe passed out and most of her hunters screamed and tried to get Artemis to cry with them. They thought you forced yourself on her."

Artemis coughed as her pale face flushed red.

"I felt bad as I lifted their restrictions. I am no longer the goddess of Eternal Maidenhood as I lost that divinity when you took my purity. Honestly, I am glad. My hunters will be going, but I have ordered any that disrespect you will be killed."

Kurayami did not know she would go that far.

"Are you serious?"

She shook her head.

"I could not, but I will curse them into Jackalopese for a few years if they do."

Nyx smiled as she thought she could be vengeful.

"My brother Erebus and my sons are going. I told them to call you stepdad. Ha. They were so mad."

Kurayami sighed.

"I am picking up more kids. Who did you invite Amaterasu?"

She let go of her hair which gained a blue streak in it.

"Oh, my children and my brother. Similar to Nyx, they are all the result of magic or rituals. More kids there for you."

"Of course they are. Who else?"

Natsume's tiger ears and the tail wagged as she invited her friend.

"I invited Shigune and Sae. Tobio is coming wiht Sae and he is your cousin. By the way, Vali is coming. He has succeeded and absorbed Boosted Gear perfectly."

Kurayai looked out the corner of his eye to gaze at Vali. His new Balance Breaker was a perfect fusion of both sacred gears and no rejections were found.

"You are right. Azazel is an expert at what he does. Anyone else?"

Kuroka only had one person.

"Well, my sister is coming. She forgave me for not seeing her for 2 months. She was so giddy when she knew she was going to be an aunt. Who knows when?"

Lavinia also had only one person.

"I invited Mephisto. He is like my grandfather."

Raynare smiled.

"The same for me as my grandfather is coming. He said he had some news to tell me though."

Ophis sighed as she looked away.

"I invited Great Red. He said he will come."

Everyone looked at her weirdly. She frowned as she crossed her arms.

"He is the closest thing I have to a rival or friend. I didn't want to look lonely."

Everyone laughed at her as they wondered how Great Red would come. Latia herself had a few people who she invited.

"I invited my parents, my uncle, my friend Sekivara and Rias."

Kurayami was curious if that girl had trained.

"Has she improved?"

Latia thought about it as she did not notice much.

"Maybe. I got so strong that I can barely tell."

Nyx patted her on the back.

"That is a good thing."

Latia smiled at the praise. Grayfia herself only had three people she invited.

"I personally invited Sirzechs, Venalana, and Zeoticus. They wanted to talk a bit wiht you anyway."

Kurayami sighed.

"I prefer Ajuka to Sirzechs, but fine."

Annabeth smiled.

"My dad and his family are alive and I invited them. My mother is also going."

Kurayami was happy he did;t kill her dad by mistake.

"What a relief I didn't kill him."

Annabeth knew that feeling well.

"You tell me."

Zesshi shook her head as she did not have friends or anything like family. Her mother died already so she had only Kurayami. Shalltear perked up as she invited the guardians and Ainz.

"I went back home to resign. They were not happy, but Ainz accepted it in the end. The guardians and Ainz are coming. Now, who did you invite Kurayami?"

Kurayami had not invited anyone yet but he would.

"I would have invited Ares, Dionysus, Azrael, Azazel, or Ainz. However, most of them are already guaranteed like Ares. I just got to tell Dionysus If he can supply some wine. Now, time to pick out some dresses."

Kuromi smiled bitterly as she got up to leave.

"Well, I have no one anymore. I tried to go back in secret to my timeline today. It didn't work as I am anchored to you dad."

Kurayami stopped smiling when he heard her say that.


She smiled bitterly.

"I don't belong here. I am not even supposed to exist. You heard your mother, I am just an attempt by this reality to fix an anomaly. What about when you give birth mom? What then?"

Kurayami snorted when he realized her worry.

"You are getting confused. You are not the child forming in Kuroka's belly."

That shook her to the core.


"I checked the souls in her belly and none of them match yours. I think when you first hugged me and I accepted you as my daughter you got anchored to me. Reality can't copy me too much and this is the result. You don't have to worry about something like that."

Kuromi fell on her ass as she felt like she would need to willingly die.

"I can stay?"

Everyone nodded as they did not want her to leave. Kurayami was glad to have his daughter with him and he did not want to lose her. She felt glad to have been the one to come back.

"Thank you, dad."

"You're welcome. Come on then, time to go shopping."

That got all their attention even the battle junkies.



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