
Chapter Twenty-Four

"Why does it matter!" Mira's temper was one that shouldn't be messed with. Her pent-up anger from the years of abuse she endured was a force to be reckoned with.

"Don't you realize how rough those lizards are?" The fox just leaned forward, making her back into the table.

"First you barge in on me naked, and now your trying to convince me to not be Cyro's mate." She rolled her eyes. If she was an animal, she would definitely be trying to warn him with growls and snapping her jaws. "I like Cyro and Cyro likes me. It's none of your business what we do!"

She tried to walk away from him but he seemed insistent on keeping her in place. She glared at him, fear mixing with her anger. Who did this man beast think he was, confronting her this way. She looked around hoping to spot Cyro. She started reaching behind her for something to throw as Cyro was nowhere to be seen.

"Cyro will eventually hurt you, something as small..." He looked her up in down as he pause. "And delicate as you should be with a more gentle beast."

"In your dreams." Her voice had lowered and she allow her own, human, growl out.

This made him step back at first a look of shock, then a different look. One that she knew only ment more trouble for her. She stood her ground, her fingers finding a cup behind her. He stepped closer, and she gripped the cups tightly in her hand. He was good looking, and there was an appeal in his arrogance. However, she also knew there was some toxic behavior in him. And that was enough to make her want to stay away. Just as she was about to throw the cup, his icy cold voice boomed around them.

"What are you doing?" His cold stare made her body instantly relax, he always had perfect timing.

"Ahhh, Cyro. I was just explaining to Mira here that she..." He paused as if he was choosing his words carefully. "Has more than one option."

She could tell that Cyro was already ready to hurt him. The fox picking on him now would only end badly. As they were fixed on eachother she took her chance and ran to Cyro. The cup clanking on the floor. It echoed as both of them looked to where it landed. The fox looked back at her a smile spread across his face. She suddenly found herself wishing they had never come here.

Cyro cold voice was the only thing making her feel safe at that instant.

"Your chief will be hearing from me." His hand and claws slowly wrapping around her hips hugging her closer to him. "Next time you come near her, I will handle it myself."

"Really," the foxes smooth voice turning cold too with every word. "Well, as it turns out, your staring at the chief."

Mira's heart nearly stopped as the last word fell from him lips. The arrogant doctor was also the chief. She felt Cyro's claws tighten briefly before releasing her. His hand slowly pushed her back from them.

"Then I ask you, as a respected guest," His voice sounded warmer, yet strained. Like he was forcing it out. "Please leave my mate alone."

"Oh I see, but she said yall weren't mated." He smiled and his voice went back to normal.

Cyro quickly looked at her and she realized her mistake. She should have communicated that they weren't at that stage yet. From what she could tell mates were those who loved eachother. He gave her a look as if to say they would be discussing that later. She could help but feel a tingle of excitement among her other emotions. She really wanted to see what it was like to be in trouble with Cyro.

"I'm sorry for the confusion chief Vilen." He turned back to the fox, now bowing his head. "She's still learning our ways."

"I see, well be sure she doesn't get confused again." He gave her a last second wink before walking away.

Cyro didn't say anything as he grabbed her hand and pulled her back to their room. She barely had noticed Alzie was standing in the door way to the dinning hall. She looked back at him as he casually walked away. They pasted many doors and foxes as he practically dragged her down the hall. Once they reached their room he pushed her in and quickly closed the door. She watched as he stood there. Head against the door, his back facing her. His fist was against the door balled up, and the other still held the doorknob. It felt like an eternity as he just stood there, his back just slowly rising and falling. When he finally turned back around his face was blank, but his eyes showed a hint of wickedness. She slowly backed way falling on the bed as he approached her. Her heart racing with excitement. Before he could grab her, she began crawling to the other side. Just as she thought she was out of his reach, his claws grazed down her leg and gripped her ankle. She gasped as he pulled her back to him. A small giggle escaping her lips. He nuzzled her neck, as his hands traveled up her legs. He teased her body and his nibbled and licked her neck. Before she could reach her climax, he quickly pulled away. Shocked she sat up looking at him.

"What you said we weren't mates." He grinned down at her. "Only mates do that stuff."

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She didn't know what to say. She wasn't ready for a commitment like that, but she did want him. Back in the dinning hall she had wished to be back home. But now, here in front of Cyro. She only wanted him and his arms around her. She looked up at him, letting out her bottom lip as she put on her best pouty face. His smile softened a little and he grazed a claw against her lips.

"Are you my mate?" He asked.

She sat pondered a minute. She didn't want to say yes without knowing everything about being mates.

"Well, what does it mean to be mates?" She used her sweet and innocent voice and tilted her head down a bit.

"A mate is someone you wished to be intimate with." He kneeled down in front of her place little nibbles on her fingers. "Someone you care deeply for. Sometimes you can have more than one. And though uncommon there has been time were mates separated from eachother."

"So, it's not a mate with only one person and that's it." She saw his face grow serious as she said this. "Like it's not a commitment I can't take back if something happens."

"No, though I promised myself I would only mate once." He looked her in the eyes as he said this.

She tried to swallow as a lump grew in her throat. She wasn't scared, nor sad. She was just really nervous. He made her nervous. She looked away from him trying to get her nerves under control. She had hoped they could like date or something. However, it seemed that was not the case. He wanted her to be his mate, his one and only.She didn't know if she could handle that kind of commitment. It scared her to be honest. Being tied to one person for the rest of your life, knowing that person could change any minute. But those where humans and he's a beast, she reminded herself. And though they haven't known eachother long, he did treat her better than anyone else. She couldn't deny the strong feelings she herself has developed toward him. There were so many reasons not too. There was only one sane reason to say yes that didn't involve feelings. Her safety. If she was his mate it would keep others from bothering her and trying to harm her. She finally looked back at him, his eyes shining in the sunlight.

"Yes." Soon as she said it, she regretted it.

He nuzzled her again, slowly moving on top of her. "If you say we aren't mates to anyone again, I will punish you my peppermint."

Before she could retort, he moved her dress up and slid inside her. She arched her back, and bit her lip, as she adjusted to him. This time it was slow, more intimate. They held eachother as they both moved together. His breath tickling her neck. She could just barely make out his low growls of pleasure. He did quicken as they both began to reach their climax. She could feel him pulsing inside and outside of her body. She spoke out his name as her body shook. He groaned as he filled her. She laid there under him, not caring she was once again covered in his seed. She just wanted to enjoy the moment a little longer.

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