
Chapter 77: Two Heroes Arc (1)

Chapter 77: Two Heroes Arc (1)

~Third POV~

[A few Days Later, Airplane, I-Island]

A few days have passed, starting Summer Break with Ren taking his trip with All Might as promised, having his Hero Costume. On the plane ride across the sea, he couldn't help but mutter out loud in an amazed tone, "I still can't believe things like these are possible. The floating city…"

Turning his attention to All Might sleeping, he tapped his finger over his shoulder, trying to wake him up in a calm tone, "All Might. All Might. All Might wake up were almost here!"


Snapping up to his words, All Might groaned lightly as he spoke in a tired tone, "What's up, Yuki kid?"

Ren quickly apologized as he gestured towards the window in an excited tone, notifying his master, "Sorry for waking you up, but come look! The artificial moving town has a living more than 10,000 scientists. I-Island! I can't believe that I'm starting my summer vacation in I-Island. Thank you for allowing me to tag along."

All Might smirked as he returned to his seat next to him and spoke in a calm tone, "I didn't think you be that excited… I'm glad I invited you."

Ren, on the other hand, looked a bit bashful at All Might's words as he shyly responded in a nervous tone, "Well… it is my first time seeing something that grand. The little kid in me couldn't help but be excited. I mean, I do get to meet your first original sidekick, David Shield, and his daughter."

All Might chuckled, slapping his back in understanding as he spoke with lightly narrowed eyes in a proud tone, "Hahaha! Young Yuki! You might be my successor, but don't think for a second I'll help set you up in a romantic sense. Though, if you really wanted to get to know her, then ask her out confidently. I-Island is like a city, full of restaurants and many sites… perfect for date spots…"

Ren raised an eyebrow as he chuckled at All Might's attempt in a curious tone, "Haha… Are you sure you aren't trying to hook me up with your best friend's daughter? Or is this some good romantic advice?"

Slapping his back, All Might laughed in a cheerful tone, being the wingman for Ren, boasting proudly, "Hahaha! It's alright, young Yuki, you're already at that age, after all. Though you need to be careful, Dave is very protective of Melissa."

Ren rolled his eyes, but a bemused smirk could be seen spreading across his face. All Might grinned, seeing his words add the intended effect, but soon, the announcer from the pilot rang out, gaining their attention, "Attention, passengers. Momently, this plane will be landing at I-Island."


All Might soon turned into his buffed state, informing Ren of the news in a loud tone, thanking him again, "Alright, this is going to be a busy day, right? Once we've landed and gone out in public, I must maintain my muscle form constantly. Thankfully, I say this, young Yuki, thank you for helping me in my time of need. At least I won't have to worry about being in pain and enjoy the simpler things in life."

He smiled, being complimented as he replied in a nonchalant tone, "It was nothing. I'm glad I was able to help the hero of our time."

All Might grinned at his genuine honesty as he soon informed his successor in a curious tone about his Hero Costume, "Alright, you need to change suit too! You asked the school's permission to bring the hero's costume, right?"

Ren smirked, revealing an arm bracelet as he responded in a confident tone, "Yup! Made sure to inform Nezu about it. Glad to see I get to test out my new Hero Costume. It'll work in a flash."

Ren soon revealed a bulky, tacky bracelet. But when he used his [Observe] on it, he grinned, clicking the device silently, and thought to himself in an excited tone, 'It's morphing time!'



Item: Morphing Band

Rarity Item: C

Type: Transportation Wristband

Description: This is the support item created by The Gamer Ren Yuki. This support item was created to contain the user's White Ranger V.2.0. The Morphing Band, when clicked, will instantly shroud the user in light, covering them in their Hero Costume in a flash while swapping their mundane uniform into the Morphing Band.

It has been made to keep their underwear and can read the clock for time. Along with its functions as a camera and video recorder if need be and restraining rope.



In a flash, he revealed his new V.2.0 of his Hero Costume, showing off his new tight uniform appearance that is comfortable to wear. Made of the same material and improvements with Quirk Factors imbued using his [Create] Quirk having a utility belt, white, black, and blue streaks across his new uniform.

At the end of the transformation, he revealed his new helmet with what seemed like police sirens on the sides as he spoke in a happy tone, "So… how do you like my new Hero Costume? I had this customized myself. What do you think?"

All Might gazed at the new colors added and gold streaks, asking, genuinely curious about the difference between his previous one, "Looks great on you, Yuki! But is this one made with the modifications using your [Create] Quirk?"

Ren smiled, nodding happily as he gazed at his hero costume. He based this one off the White Ranger from his old one improving it with noticeable differences and modifications added after some tests…


Item: White Ranger Hero Costume V.2.0

Rarity Item: C+

Type: Hero Costume

Description: This is the Hero Costume created by The Gamer Ren Yuki using his Quirk [Create]. This Hero Costume is more durable and resistant than the original model of The Gamer's Hero Costume modeled by the previous White Ranger Uniform. Unlike the first, this Hero Costume is outfitted with the Quirk Factor [All in One] containing the following Quirks Copied that the suit can replicate by consuming PP or Stamina:

-[Invisibility]: Allows the user to become invisible. Can be turned on or off.

-[Chart]: Allows the user to create a holographic page that allows them to track and detect enemies. It can be used to observe the person in action whom the user is tracking. The user also knows how far away they are and if they are alive and map the area.

-[Mind Reaper]: Allows the user to force people to expose their deepest secrets, embarrassing moments, and uncertainties. The user needs to touch the victim in order to make this power work. With enough willpower, the target can prevent this Quirk from revealing their secrets. It can activate with intent when used.


Ren exclaimed the capabilities of his Hero Costume, showing off to All Might, surprising him with wide eyes. All Might nodded, impressed with the Hero Costume, in an amazed tone, "I can't believe it! Amazing work, young Yuki! This will certainly change how Support Items can work and be imbued with your [All in One]… This will certainly be a big hit. I suppose you already discussed this with Nezu already?"

Ren nodded as he explained, revealing his face in a calm tone, discussing the topic with All Might with a light grin, "Yeah. With my production ability alone, I'll be guaranteed a household name, especially if I were to produce these items. But the legal issue would be a challenge, no doubt. But onto different topics, what was UA's response to my text and Tomura…?"

All Might's expression shifted into one of seriousness as he spoke in a serious tone, clenching his fist, "If you're concerned for your Classmates, have no worries. Nezu called in heroes to patrol and keep their families safe. The fact that Tomura could've taken a student or a villain after them brought our biggest attention to this matter. From what I heard, Nezu is pulling some drastic measures to ensure his student's safety, so you have no reason to be alarmed, young Yuki."

Ren nodded, taking their words, sighing a breath of relief, and asking calmly, "Whew… in that case, I feel glad already that they're safe."

All Might nodded his head in understanding as he soon spoke with a grin on his face, exclaiming to his successor, "Good. At times like these, you should relax and enjoy what life has to offer. Now that we're where we're about to land!"

Ren nodded as the airplane soon began to drop down onto a hangar, readying for the two heroes to land on I-Island…


[I-Island, I-Island Airport]


The airplane soon dropped down at the airport upon doing so, both were required to pass numerous security checkpoints. Even the famous All Might, who was personal friends with one of I-Island's most influential figures, needed to have his body scanned, biometric data recorded, and even his blood drawn before they were given temporary passes to enter the city.

Upon getting checked on a moving floor, All Might spoke up to Ren in a loud tone, getting his attention, "Here's the question for Yuki, kid. What is the reason this place is built?"

Humoring All Might in a bit of trivia, he smiled as he answered his questions, seeing a digital profile pop up as they passed through the airport customs, "I know this. To gather all the greatest scientists in the world. Then, doing Quirk research with equipment to help the Heroes. They made the island moveable to protect a scientist and their top-secret research from Villains. It's got a security system that is tight, like Tartarus prison."

All Might nodded at his answer in a proud tone, seeing Ren's academics weren't faltering in the slightest, "You always know many things, right? Good to see you're balancing your hero training with your academics, Yuki-san."

Passing through the doors being given their entry by the voice announcer above got their attention looking above listening, "The immigration inspection is complete. You may now proceed into I-Island and enjoy your visit."

After gaining their entry cards for visiting the I-Island, both of them soon exited the airport to view the island…


[I-Island, I-City]

Exiting from the airport, there was an announcement being heard as the two listened while observing I-City Ren's expression changed to excitement, "The island is currently holding the pre-opening of I-Expo, an event that showcases research and development projects that have been working on. Only those with invitations may attend the preview."

Ren's eyes widened at the futuristic marvel and fun land mix of I-City as All Might commented about the number of people in a surprised tone, "I can't believe so many people are here before the expo is officially opened to the public."

Walking through the airport and out onto the main grounds of I-Island, Ren was mesmerized by the sight. Thousands of people everywhere use their Quirks freely to make sculptures, fireworks, and tons and tons of street performances. Exhibits and tall skyscrapers were scattered across the horizon.

Observing the rides and attractions nearby, he commented on I-City in an excited tone, witnessing it for the first time, "I'm amazed. The picture of this place doesn't do it justice than seeing the genuine article in person."

All Might nodded as he informed his successor, moving forward, taking in the sights in a neutral tone, "Yeah. Unlike back in Japan, people are allowed to use their Quirks however they wish on this island. The pavilions are jam-packed with attractions and demonstrations. Make some time for them later."

Ren simply nodded his head agreeing as All Might checked on his phone asking out loud curiously, "Now let's see, the hotel should be nearby."

While observing on his phone, a worker for the I-Island Airport appeared to welcome them but soon spoke in a surprised tone, "Welcome to I-Expo! Eh! S'that you, All Might?"

Upon saying those words, Ren took a few distance away before muttering to him, "Good luck, All Might-Sensei."

Gaining some safe distance away, multiple people began to crowd around All Might, stunned, seeing him here as they all exclaimed in an excited tone.

"Is he really here?"

"Wow, the number 1 hero!"

"We need an interview!"

"Let's get closer!"

"A-All Might?!"

"All Might?"

"The number one Hero?"

"It's really him!"

All Might merely laughed as he was being clamored by his fans as he spoke in a proud tone, with Ren watching with a deadpan expression, "Thank you so much for the warm welcome! For asking for signatures, form a line, please!"

Ren, giving a deadpan expression, merely muttered with a sly grin, commenting on his sensei and shaking his head in a dry tone, "And he says there's no one here for him at the end. With his charisma, he could get any lady. Good grief… we're gonna be late but…"

Briefly smiling, gazing at the I-Island attractions and performances, he spoke in an excited tone, "… I can at least relax a bit before the big event happens. Hopefully, I'll get some decent Quirks that can be found here. Status."


Name: Ren Yuki


Race: Human

Title: Villain Slayer

Level: 33 Exp: 0/35%

HP: 1745/1745

PP: 1675/1675

STR: 58-> 60 (+33)

AGI: 63-> 65 (+33)

VIT: 55-> 60 (+33)

INT: 55-> 60 (+33)

SEN: 60-> 65 (+33)

LUCK: 55 (+25)

Stat Points: 50-> 65

Money: All Might's Allowance


Ren smirked seeing the amount he made during the semester having his clones grind and learning other experiences from the other courses certainly helped him gain experience for 'EXP' in the process.

Having a moment to relax, Ren wondered how much All Might spoke about his abilities to Melissa Shield if he wanted her to become his sidekick…

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