
CHP2. Travelling to Europe.

After my siblings and i woke up from our blood binge we realized what we had done. We had killed almost everyone from our village. We had even killed my other family, the werewolf pack. Im sure one or two must of got away spreading to their brethren the news of the birth of vampires. But after the last few days nobody could be bothered to care.

A couple days after the massacre, everyone was bored. All the time was spent messing around and practicing with our powers.

So we decided to travel back to Europe, where our family was originally from. Finn and Elijah having memories of living there, more so the former than the latter.

Over these days I had been conducting little experiments with my new powers, curious to their limits. In the show i had watched I new of the basic ones such as Enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, senses, a ridiculous healing factor when filled up on blood, but i was not sure of the limitations of my control of the mind.

I knew it was possible to control people with my words and also read their thoughts and enter their dreams but i wanted to push even further. I wanted eventually to read thoughts from a distance and be able control all essences of some ones mind.

Elijah was a big help with practicing my powers. Him and I were the closest out of all the possible sibling pairings, from my memories i knew we was always close, so it was very easy to fall into the sense of brotherhood i felt for him.

The relationships with the rest of my siblings were a lot different. Rebekah and I also had a good relationship but she was prone to not seeing when she had done something wrong, so I couldn't be alone with her for to long without my patience straining.

Kol on the other hand was a decent brother. While he was likely to cause mischievous and try to wind you up, but when the situation called for it he could get serious and be trusted.

Finn was the siblings i got on least with. Since being turned his moral standard had risen to imaginable levels, which meant to please him you had to be a saint and as you can probably guess being a vampire makes that impossible. But i can also see since the death of Esther, in particular he's feeling left out and wishes he could have that type of bond again.

Anyway we spent the next few months travelling south, looking for someone capable enough to steer a boat to Europe. These few months were not spent in peace though. Word had got out to the witches that the first vampires were created. So a few brave souls decided to test us, which as you imagine didn't end well for them. Sending the message to all witches that we were not to be trifled with.

When we finally found our way to Europe, we found ourselves in France, to be more particular Marseille. We travelled around France for a little while, experiencing the culture and the beautiful sites but one day, out hunting we came across the supposed next vampire, to be turned, Lucien.

I had contemplated what i would do if i was to run into him. Thanks to my knowledge of what was supposed to be, i knew that this guy would create a serum able to kill an Original Vampire, but if i could get his loyalty i would have a crafty, resourceful piece to move as i pleased.

As my siblings discussed whether or not we should kill him i but in.

"Lets let him live, we can compel him to not speak of our nature, so if what he says is true learning to be nobles could be a bit of fun." I spoke convincing my siblings.

"See Nik agrees with me." Rebekah said proud of herself.

"Fine but make sure the compulsion is unbreakable." Said Elijah fed us with his siblings.

Both Finn and Kol eventually agreed so we followed Lucien directions after compelling him.

We arrived and made our away through the grand entrance, being greeted by some nobles on their way out.

With the confidence of being able to compel our way out of any problems, it went off with out a hitch. We were granted rooms and treated like royalty by the servants. Going from being treated like normal people to nobles was a very delightful experience which we reveled in.

I also had he pleasure and displeasure of meeting the counts deranged children, Aurora and Tristan de Martel.

While Aurora was undoubtably beautiful knowing that she was one incident from having a mental breakdown, i decided to leave her be for now.

Tristan on the other hand was polite when i met him but i knew he was a cruel person underneath the mask he wore.

So for a couple of years this is where we mostly spent our time. Of course with no threat of Mikael we were free to travel where ever, no need to be worry about being found, so occasionally some of us would split of and leave for a time, but eventually all would return, not yet wanting to part.

Tell me of things you want Klaus to do, or even the Mikaelson to do.

Ulesiescreators' thoughts
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