
Chapter 50 -- Father

When the carriage entered the palace territory, my heart skipped a beat. I was finally home after almost a year. As the carriage was moving inside the massive palace territory, I felt teary, recalling my old days.

The number of guards blocking every entrance was unexpected. None of these guards belonged to the palace before. What was he afraid of? I wondered, glancing at Lord Cardis, sitting opposite of me.

The carriage stopped coming in front of my father's palace. I came down slowly, gazing intensely at the masonry. I could feel Lord Cardis's eyes following my every breath. However, he was quiet since we entered the palace.

I entered the familiar dark hall. The renaissance paintings on the ceilings, thin white, transparent curtains over the massive windows, and the dark balconies under them; everything was just as I had left them a year ago.

I was almost floating inside the palace. I hurried to my father's chamber. I even forgot about Lord Cardis.

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