


When the box was ready, the Runner went to Guhya Village and asked for Chu Feifei's house.

He was directed to follow the path leading to the mountain. The "mysterious" mountain that lost almost a third of its mass.

It was said a huge chunk just vanished out of thin air. Looking at it up close and personal, the Runner can't help but be amazed at this mysterious wonder.

Panting, the Runner looked at the only two storey house within the vicinity and took a deep breath.

When he knocked on the door and the door was opened, his breath was also knocked out from his lungs!

What a stunning beauty!

When the Runner snapped out from his stupor, he realized his mouth was hanging open.

He turned red in embarrassment.

Feifei just smiled at the man.

"How can I help you, sir?"

The Runner lifted the box on his hand as an answer. He was too embarrassed to talk!

Feifei was surprised!

"I have been waiting for this for almost half a year already. Please come in."

The moment Feifei opened the door wide, the Runner was immediately assailed by a sweet fragrant smell.

He swallowed hard and timidly looked at Feifei.

Feifei saw the man secretly sniffing the air.

"Please, put the box on the bench. My friend and I are making cakes. Please have a taste. Accept it as a token of my gratitude for delivering my box."

The Runner put the box down and awkwardly scratched his head.

"Please give me a moment."

Feifei disappeared for a moment and came back with a plate of cake, a cup of water and a bulging oiled paper.

"You can eat this one here." Feifei pointed at the slice of cake on the plate.

"You can bring this with you. Share this to the other deputies. Treat this as my thank you for safeguarding my parcel." Feifei smiled as he handed the oiled paper filled to the brim with cakes.

"Thank you, Miss." The Runner wanted to refuse at first. But he was conquered by the tempting sweet smell.

His eyes widen when he took a bite. Then he looked at Feifei.

"Delicious!" He exclaimed.

Feifei just smiled.

"Did this box come directly from Chandraneel?"

"No, Miss. The deputy said the box was delivered six months ago. We apologize for our sloppiness."

"You see, the deputies thought to wait for Head Yu but Head Yu had a task. Unexpectedly, the Head was gone two times spending two months on each tasks. And when the Head came back, this was already hidden among the many things in the storage room. Then it was eventually forgotten. It was only discovered today when the deputies had to do a clean up. The deputies said it has been six months since then."

Feifei froze hearing Yuan's name.

"Does Head Yu know about this box?" Feifei asked. He held his breath while waiting for the answer.

"Of course!" The runner answered right away.

When Feifei heard the answer, he can feel his world crushing down. If he hadn't reached for the bench for support, he would have fallen.

The Runner was so happy eating the cake that his mouth is talking non stop.

"When the deputies were cleaning up, Head Yu passed. The deputies asked Head Yu if he knows someone named Chu Feifei, uh...that's you. Head Yu just took a glance and did not pay any attention to it! You are neighbors and all, but I think Head Yu doesn't know you, Miss."

Feifei's face turned red.

"Is Head Yu back?" Feifei whispered.

The Runner looked at Feifei in surprise.

"You know the Head is back?" The Runner scratched his head. "But the Head doesn't even know you, Miss." The Runner muttered to himself.

Feifei bit his lips.

"Does he?" Feifei whispered softly.

The Runner just looked at Feifei with strange eyes.

"If you like our Head, you better forget it Miss. The deputies said the Head already has a sweetheart." The runner kindly reminded.

After all, the lady gave him a cake. The least he could do is to tell her the truth.

Feifei : !!!!!

"A....sweetheart?" Feifei choked.

Two months was enough for Yuan to replace him? Feifei's eyes almost turned black.

"Yes, a sweetheart. She even visited the Head. And they said she was the cause of the Head's busted lip!" The runner confided in a conspiratorial whisper.

Busted lip?! What did Feifei not understand with this obvious statement.

At one time, he also kissed Yuan's lips with all his pent up passion. Until it bled.

Feifei covered his eyes as he staggered.



"Going home so soon?" Liu Shou met Yuan at the building entrance.


"Did something happen?"

"A childhood friend came to visit."

"Your sweetheart?" Liu Shou teased.

Yuan just threw him a glance then walked ahead.

It seems Head Yu is shy?

Liu Shou smiled.

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