
Her Superpower Was The Pack's Mind-Link.

Everything was so boring to Ariel that she decided to try on the new clothes Flora and Blair got for her from yesterday's shopping, which she would have tried on before they all started having issues. She had settled all the issues she had with them yesterday and this morning after the perverted Liam left, Flora brought her these clothes. 

While Ariel was trying on all the clothes, her attention landed on that same short sleeveless gown that caused the problem between her, Flora and Blair yesterday. The same one Bliar wanted her to wear and escort her to a party on Friday, which she refused that made Blair say the words she wasn't supposed to.

Ariel took a short glance at it and grabbed it from the bed where she kept it along with the others she was trying on. She tried on the gown and it was a perfect fit for her, Flora and Blair literally knew her fit. Well, she's not that wowed when Flora thinks she's the only one who can fix Liam's broken heart.

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