
Your Problems Are My Problems.

"That's it!" Ariel heard Dawn yell, waiting cautiously for what would happen to her next, knowing fully well of Dawn's capability when she gets mad at something or someone and now, she's the someone Dawn's currently mad at.

After waiting for some seconds, Ariel thought Dawn just disconnected from her, but had no idea Dawn was just waiting for her to lose guard, so she could take over her. And the moment it happened, Dawn struck her face on the bed's wooden frame, going back in and letting Ariel take control again.

She's going to feel the hurt too but can endure it, compared to her weaker companion, Ariel.

"F**k!, f**k you Dawn!" Ariel yelped out in pain, running her hands on her nose the moment Dawn went back in and let her take control. Dawn made her hit her nose on the bed's wooden frame and she could feel her smiling after what she did. Yeah, that's Dawn, and she can be real b*tchy-pants sometimes.

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