
Chapter 71: You are my sunshine 

Chapter 71: You are my sunshine 

Emily's POV

 You are my sunshine

 My only sunshine

 You make me happy

 When skies are gray

 You'll never know, dear

 How much I love you

 Please don't take

 My sunshine away

When I opened my eyes, Waylen was singing. It took a while to realize that he was singing to me. It was the sweetest sound I had ever heard.

I kept my eyes closed so he wouldn't stop singing and I burrowed deeper into his embrace.

I wondered how long it had been since I said goodbye to Eloise. 

Four hours perhaps? or maybe more, I stopped counting a few minutes after Jon and Tara pried me out of her arms and took her.

I stopped…everything.

I just sat on the floor where they left me and I stayed down.

I stayed down because I got no more fight left in me. 

None whatsoever because if the world insists on beating me down then what was the point of getting back up again.

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