
Chapter 134, Attacking Manim Market_1

Manim Market.

The usually bustling Orc market has been quiet these past few days.

The market is no longer open to the public, and a large force of Orc troops are stationed outside the city.

These troops initially come from different tribes. Now, they have gathered here with a collective purpose.

Tomorrow, they will strike a stronghold of the Undead located west of the city.

And after achieving victory, they are to receive rewards granted by the Skullcrusher Tribe.

In the chief's hall.

Apart from Bronze Bull Talok, chieftains of some minor tribes have also gathered here, discussing the forthcoming campaign.

"We have received word from the Skullcrushers; they will arrive tomorrow, at which point our troops will merge with theirs and set out together," reported Bronze Bull in a deep voice.

This will be their first collaboration with the Skullcrusher Tribe from Coldwind Mountain.

As the organizer of this campaign, Bronze Bull has shouldered a significant responsibility.

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