
Unable to fight

"That guy in white defeated the monster? He's so strong."

"No, he's weaker than the monster."

"How's that possible? Didn't you see how he beat up the monster?"

"You don't understand, do you? He only used the ability of his armor to reflect the damage. Without it, he would have died from the monster's attack. Well, it doesn't remove the fact that the guy was really stronger than the most degu users in this stadium."

"Don't conclude. Just like earlier, the monster got up after its head was severed by Chris. So it's not impossible if it gets up." A guy with red hair, brown pupils, a fair complexion, and a sharp nose said as if a matter of fact.

He's the current strongest in the group after most of them of the powerful degu users perished. The only B-rank degu user in the group now.

"Well, if Julian says so. Then it must be true. And it seems the guy was also a B rank like Julian, with the ability to control and manipulate the shadows."

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